Basic Plug-in making

Hello, I'd like some answers to some basic questions in plain english, if that's alright.
1.) What are the very basic beginning steps to creating a new plug-in for EVO?
and 2.) Is there a plain english guide for plug-in making - a "for dummies" type thing?
I appreciate any responses.


Okay, here are the basic things you need. Some of them you may already have, as they come with EV Override:

(url="http://"")ResEdit.(/url) This is the application you will work with the most to create the plug-in.

The (url="http://";=utilities&display;=date&file;=EV Developers Kit.sit.hqx")EV Developer's Kit.(/url) This includes several things:
()The EV and EVO Bibles - these are very important for creating plug-ins. They contain descriptions of the resources, needed to figure out what you're working with and what to put in each field. You'll be using the EVO Bible throughout the plug-in creation process.
)ResEdit Templates - these are for use with ResEdit, to make it more workable and easier to use. They divide up each resource into various fields, each of which is defined in the EVO Bible.
(*)Actually I think the Developer's Kit includes ResEdit as well, so you might not need to download it separately...

As for a "EVO Plug-In Making for Dummies" kinda thing, I'm not sure...I think there is a basic guide to the steps needed, but I'm not sure where to get it. It might already be in the Plugin Developers ƒ in the EVO folder.

Here are some basic steps:
()Outline, outline, outline. Make sure you know exactly what you're making: the story, the governments, the ships, the weapons, the missions, the systems, the spobs ( sp ace ob jects), everything. The more outlining the better.
)Get out a pen and paper and start writing out each individual resource, according to the EVO Bible. (This is much better than just plunging into doing the resources right on the computer, because it's easier to make changes, etc). Plan out everything in detail.
(*)Finally, after long months of that (it could really be months, depending on the size of the plugin you're making - I'd advise just to start off with a small one), copy the stuff from your paper onto the computer in ResEdit.

Enjoy! And really, start off with just a small plug-in to get used to the whole thing. Making substantial plug-ins is a huge process that can take years for TCs (total conversions). Maybe just make a few extra weapons or something to start out. And don't hesitate to post here if you need help!


(url="http://"")EV Nova: Thin Ice(/url) | (url="http://"")Tool(/url) | (url="http://"")America's Favorite Irishman(/url)

(This message has been edited by Joolzman5 (edited 08-12-2001).)

There is an FAQ list for Developers. This is a basic beginners guide to plugin making. You can access it by going to the web-boards menu at the bottom of this page.



M A R T I N • T U R N E R

When you get stuck, just come here for more help- we can answer nearly every question you have to ask.

Silent Night, a plug-in for Nova, will feature a small, unique galaxy. With only three races, I will be able to change the galaxy to my hearts desire. To help me finish it faster, I will not be slowed down by making ship graphic- I will use the ones from Nova.
If you look far enough on the horizon, there will always be a cloud.


Originally posted by NNNormal:
**When you get stuck, just come here for more help- we can answer nearly every question you have to ask.


Thanks for all the help - I'm sure I'll be posting later.



Originally posted by Cranberry:
Is there a plain english guide for plug-in making?

I'm not sure if that's possilbe to make. But mabye...

Cuz I'm a 21st Century Digital Boy
I don't know the Monty Python but I've got a lotta toys
My daddy is a Renegade, his name is Hellcat Helian
Wait a second...

Ignore this post

(This message has been edited by 21st Century Digital Boy (edited 08-14-2001).)

Not that I've seen... Oh well.

-A wise person is one who recognizes that he or she knows nothing.
-Those who sit and listen often learn more than the ones who are talking.


Originally posted by Joolzman5:
**Okay, here are the basic things you need. Some of them you may already have, as they come with EV Override:

ResEdit. This is the application you will work with the most to create the plug-in.

The EV Developer's Kit. This includes several things:
()The EV and EVO Bibles - these are very important for creating plug-ins. They contain descriptions of the resources, needed to figure out what you're working with and what to put in each field. You'll be using the EVO Bible throughout the plug-in creation process.
)ResEdit Templates - these are for use with ResEdit, to make it more workable and easier to use. They divide up each resource into various fields, each of which is defined in the EVO Bible.

I also want to know how to make plug-ins but the ev developers kit doesn't expand. HEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP!!!!
(*)Actually I think the Developer's Kit includes ResEdit as well, so you might not need to download it separately...

As for a "EVO Plug-In Making for Dummies" kinda thing, I'm not sure...I think there is a basic guide to the steps needed, but I'm not sure where to get it. It might already be in the Plugin Developers ƒ in the EVO folder.

Here are some basic steps:
()Outline, outline, outline. Make sure you know exactly what you're making: the story, the governments, the ships, the weapons, the missions, the systems, the spobs ( sp ace ob jects), everything. The more outlining the better.
)Get out a pen and paper and start writing out each individual resource, according to the EVO Bible. (This is much better than just plunging into doing the resources right on the computer, because it's easier to make changes, etc). Plan out everything in detail.
(*)Finally, after long months of that (it could really be months, depending on the size of the plugin you're making - I'd advise just to start off with a small one), copy the stuff from your paper onto the computer in ResEdit.

Enjoy! And really, start off with just a small plug-in to get used to the whole thing. Making substantial plug-ins is a huge process that can take years for TCs (total conversions). Maybe just make a few extra weapons or something to start out. And don't hesitate to post here if you need help!

