Help Needed

What ship ID#'s does the game EVO use? I have #'s from 154-190 does the game use any of these #'s? Does EVO use any other #'s besides these?

And how about weapon ID#'s which ones do EVO use? I have #'s 153-190 does EVO use any of these #'s? Does EVO use any other #'s besides these?

Are there any bugs I should know about on these ship or weapon ID#'s? like the bug on outfit ID#'s when you go over 220 outfit ID#'s it messes up the pics.

Any help is appreciated thanks!!!!!


you know, it'd be just as easy for you to open up the data files in resedit as it is for me to do so. but since you asked so nicely, evo uses shďp 128-174 and 191, and wëap 128-163 and 191. the only special effects dependant on id#'s in the ships and weaps is that shďp 191 is used as an escape pod, and can't be shot, and wëap 191 is accessed via a cheat, er... easter egg

if you find yourself in bed with a raving lunatic, don't worry: looks can be deceiving, it's probably not me

Thank you Nighthawk that tells me alot because I tried to open the game sample plug-in to find out those #'s and it didnt work. But now I know you have to open the data files to get that information. Iam a beginner but now Iam learning. Now I probably wont have to ask anymore of those stupid questions, but Iam sure I'll come up with a few new stupid questions HA HA

Again thank you very much Nighthawk!!!

Oh and if I find myself in bed with a raving lunatic, dont worry Iam sure it's not you, especilly if your a guy!!! HA HA


i just figured everyone was like me and started poking around in everything as soon as they got resedit (i didn't get it until i got ev, when i got it for the specific purpose of making plugs). for those first few weeks, no file on my hd escaped the prying eyes of resedit, but the ev data files were the first to fall victim

if you find yourself in bed with a raving lunatic, don't worry: looks can be deceiving, it's probably not me