
This is a personal ad of sorts. EV Plug-in creator seeks graphic designer. I have wanted to publish a plug-in for EV since V the original (Before they upgraded the Manta sprites), but I have a dilemma. I cannot create ship or outfit graphics suitable for my plugs for two reasons: A. I don't have the software (Though that could be remedied by ::gulp:: money), but more importantly I have the artistic capability of a color-blind parapeligic without an imagination. And of course, now that EVN is about to be published I have an idea for a killer plug that I cannot create because of my graphical inadequacies. To come to the point, if those of you who work with graphics would like to share in the fame (in other words, I can't pay you) of creating a plug-in, please reply to this post. Thank you.

There is an art to flying, or rather a
knack. The knack lies in learning how to
throw yourself at the ground and miss

First off, you really shouldn't post it here. It's not really relevant to Nova. You should post in the EV Developer's Board where this is appropriate and where the graphic designers probably roam more often. Or you go to the EV Image Gallery board and email some of the people there who post images to see if they are avaliable for a project. I myself have found graphical designers that are avaliable to do projects to be rare probably because there's a lot projects and developers and few graphic designers ( the laws of supply and demand). If you still can't find a graphic artist, look on EVO weblinks page to acquire some graphics from the free "shipyards" or you can ask them to custom design one for you. I do believe that have a month long waiting list though. The URL for the EVO weblinks page is (url="http://"")http://www.AmbrosiaS...o/weblinks.html(/url) . Good luck!

"Veni, Vidi, Vici"
"I came, I saw, I conqeured."
Julius Caeser
Delta Force website is (url="http://"")http://www.angelfire...2/DeltaForceEVO(/url)


Originally posted by zhouj:

have you been gone? I haven't seen you in a while.

anyway, yeah, this should go to the dev board.

Eh, It's an asteroid...Holy shmit! It's a flucking asteriod!


Originally posted by Capt'n Hector:
**have you been gone? I haven't seen you in a while.

anyway, yeah, this should go to the dev board.


Not really, I just haven't been checking the ASW boards until recently. Let me outline the reasons. From November '00 until like Late April '01, I was addicted to a online game called Planetarion, I had a obligation called 7th grade school, and I felt an urgent need to go court a girl. Also because, Nova didn't seem to getting anywhere (at the time they still accepted suggestions). From like April '01, I had time but I didn't have much interest in EVO or EVN. But then I got IRC, found out that Nova was going to beta soon, so I hanged out in #ev3 on IRC. I've been gone for periods of a week or more for various reasons but now Nova is in Beta, going to come out soon, I have a whole lot of time, and nothing better to do so I might as post on these boards again. Note: Those dates may not be exact as I'm estimating.

"Veni, Vidi, Vici"
"I came, I saw, I conqeured."
Julius Caeser
Delta Force website is (url="http://"")http://www.angelfire...2/DeltaForceEVO(/url)

This should be on the Developer's Board, at this time this board is not for the discussion of plugs. 🙂

I will move the topic to the Dev Board.

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