Weapon ammo question

I notice that some weapons the ammo feild points to the weapon itself. What ammo does it use then?

~If you find yourself trying to gather your thoughts ask yourself: 'How do you gather chaos...'
Recent research has shown that the biggest work saving device employed today is tomarrow.

a weapon's ammo needs to point to itself (i think). in theory, you can have two pointing to the same thing, but it doesn't actually work (several people, myself included, have tried this). i don't think it'll work if the ammo field points anywhere else (or maybe it's just anything but -1 acts like it's pointing to itself, i didn't do extensive testing)

if tin whistles are made of tin, what's a fog horn made of?

When making a weapon with ammo, the AmmoType field in the wëap resource needs to point to the ID of the oütf resource you're using as ammo. Likewise, the ModVal field in the oütf resource needs to point to the ID of the wëap resource you're using as the weapon.



Originally posted by MadFax7:
When making a weapon with ammo, the AmmoType field in the wëap resource needs to point to the ID of the oütf resource you're using as ammo. Likewise, the ModVal field in the oütf resource needs to point to the ID of the wëap resource you're using as the weapon.

if that works, then i'm sure my last little aside is correct. i have the ammo field point to the weap resource (i.e. weap 128 is 0, 129 is 1). if it works both ways, then it's probably something like -1=no ammo, anything else=uses ammo, and the outfit used for the ammo is determined by the outfit's modval

if tin whistles are made of tin, what's a fog horn made of?


Originally posted by nighthawk:
**...then it's probably something like -1=no ammo, anything else=uses ammo, and the outfit used for the ammo is determined by the outfit's modval

You're partialy correct. Yes, -1 is infinate ammo/no ammo required. But if you want a weapon that uses ammo, your wëap and oütf resources have to point to eachother. (0-63, or the oüft/wëap's ID#)

You can also use the AmmoType field to make the firing ship blow up (in EVO 1.0.2) by setting it to -999, or use fuel (in all versions of EV) by setting the AmmoType below -1000.

It's all in the (url="http://"http://www.sutherland-studios.com.au/family/files/OverrideBible102.pdf")bible(/url).


Hmm well it was just that I was looking at the Salvo Rocket Turret but I cant figure out what ammo it uses or anything (was going to make it so I could buy some ammo... I finnaly gave up and just set it to unlimited. It says its ammo is 33, but as far as I can tell that points to phase turrets... I just can't figure it out. (I'm pretty new to plugs if you haven't figured that out already) Thanks for the help

~If you find yourself trying to gather your thoughts ask yourself: 'How do you gather chaos...'
Recent research has shown that the biggest work saving device employed today is tomarrow.

make a ship which has the weapon you're looking for, as well as some amount of ammo. then open up ev and look at the info for the ship. the little weapon names at the bottom are the names of the outfits it gets, so it should have something like "1 salvo rocket turret + 4 salvo rockets" (or, if you were right about the ammo, "1 salvo rocket turret + 4 phase turrets"). more likely, though, if you can't find it, it'll say "1 salvo rocket turret + 4 s" because there's probably not an outfit corresponding to the ammo. that was the problem i had when i tried to make two weapons use the same ammo

if tin whistles are made of tin, what's a fog horn made of?

The weap AmmoType field does not work as described in the EV/O bible-- values from 0-63 have nothing to do with which ammo your weap fires. It only means that the weap needs ammo. Weaps cannot share ammo either. Any value from 0-63 can be used at random.

To find which outf supplies the ammo for a weap, you must search each outf, and see if its modtype is 3 and if its modval refers to the weap. Nighthawk's technique is best if the outfs are not labeled. In EV, the outfs and weaps have helpful names like "fighter", "heavy rocket", so you can easily match weap with ammo.



Originally posted by magicianeer:
The weap AmmoType field does not work as described in the EV/O bible-- values from 0-63 have nothing to do with which ammo your weap fires. It only means that the weap needs ammo. Weaps cannot share ammo either. Any value from 0-63 can be used at random.

Well, it appears you're right. I guess I never took a close look at those things. Oh well, better safe than sorry I say.
