Plug help

I am working on a plugin for EVO and am in desperate need of help. The basic plot is in the future, before mankind dicovers inter-system travel, we have just discoverd a way to move about our system to it's far reaches. When whe discover that where not alone in the universe. At first we try to make peace with the aliens (I have decided to call them Plutonians for the come from Pluto) when a band of Humans who don't want peace and who only want to make the Universe our playground, attack the Plutoians and start a massive war. I need some people to help me make this. I already have the systems somwhat ready and need peolple to do the pics, missions and sounds.

To err is Human, To forgive is Divine. Neither of wich is Marine Corp. policey

OK fine, I don't need you'r help.

To err is Human, To forgive is Divine. Neither of wich is Marine Corp. policey

Ok I often times ofer to help those who need it with their plugins. however, this is obscene. first, you are trying to delegate all of the plugin out, you should at least write the missions. Personally I like to help people, but why not just ask for help with ship design. Not ship mission outfit weap snd pic design. Plus so whay if you dont get responses. few people are regulars on this board, there arent that many developers out there, and even less artists. Ship design is not an easy thing to do. I for one know that ship design takes me a while, and I would like to work with someone who is polite on a project that will take this much time and energy. You are not entitled to anyone's help. You are saying will you spend an enormous ammount of time (100+ hours) designing graphics and missions for a plugin which you may not be intrested in, without pay, and with a rude leader. And then when you dont get the response you want you basicly say: well screw you. Personally that much time is valuable to me, and if i am going to spend my leisure time doing a plugin, i would like to enjoy it. I wont help and i doubt with this attitude you will find anyone who will.
