
ok Stark Bledfast, you are a genius! BUut where is Dernath? It's not on the kingdom map I have. And where can i find the general that i rescued so i can talk to him again and use his name? Right now im just wandering around berglum after they kicked me out a million times. Help!



Originally posted by shortness013:
**ok Stark Bledfast, you are a genius! BUut where is Dernath? It's not on the kingdom map I have. And where can i find the general that i rescued so i can talk to him again and use his name? - - -


I think Stark's away for the weekend, so you got me instead. To get to Dernath from Fantrima, go 2 squares north, 2 squares east, and 3 squares south. You will be going around a mountain range.

Gen. Decimus has set his tent up on the wide plain in the same screen as Septemris (1 S of Fantrima). You will find him strutting back and forth by his tent.

My Doctor said I was having too much wine, women, and song - so I gave up singing because 2 out of 3 is not so bad.

The general went to talk with Septemris(sp?) about the defense of Garendall. In other words, the general is down where you started the road to Knighthood. Also, don't forget to talk to Septemris again.

Also, forgot to mention this in other places, Welcome to the Boards!! 😄 and have fun playing PoG!!


Who is John Galt?


Originally posted by Rubber Ducky:
I think Stark's away for the weekend

Only from the webboards, heh. I've been busy coding and researching a few of my plugins so I can get them out to my beta testers before I do leave on vacation. I'll be gone this tuesday through the following wednesday(July 30-Aug 7th), and down in Orlando enjoying myself as best I can. 🙂

Mr. Shortness013,

Check out the (url="http://"")PoG Walkthrough and Compendium(/url). I referrenced this in another post of yours and I think it will answer many of your questions.

Good luck.

"But soon, soon, soon... the world will be a better place, with meadows and bunnies and fiber optics in every home..."
- Tom Dowdy, Apple Computer

Shortness, always refer to the Compendium before bombarding everyone with question. And I'd answer your questions but alas, they've been answered.
