Graphics developers needed for TDF

I'm going to be working on a very large expansion/re-doing of the EVO galaxy in a plug called The Driving Force. It moves the game 200 years forward, so every sector of the galaxy has evolved, it expands the galaxy past the Ji, Proxima, and Crecent nebulaes, and it adds a large underlying plot that ties all the seperate storylines togather into one large plot. It adds 9 new races/governments, and vastly expands the Council.

Anyway, I need some pretty simple(I think) graphics done. First, I need a Miran Gunship with EV Alien colors(I can give an explanation if requested) and I have two cannons that need to be made into turrents.

Oh yeah, I could also use someone to make a huge (40x40 - 56x56) missle sprite w/ outfit pics.

Cuz I'm a 21st Century Digital Boy
I don't know the Monty Python but I've got a lotta toys
My daddy is a Renegade, his name is Hellcat Helian
Wait a second...

I would be willing to try to do this, though I am not sure if i will have the time needed, as the demands on my time have been great lately. If you would like, send me an e-mail, and i can try, Also if you could e-mail the graphice for whatever items, and or ships you need modified (i need theese, because i do not keep a copy of escape velocity overide on my graphics workstation, and to transfer them from the computer that escape velocity is installed on would be a painstaking process for me), and a general description of the missile, i can take a stab at them. But if the work required is as simple as it sounds (a little photoshop work and a couple of simple 3d models), i should be able to get them finished relitively shortly. One more question, does anyone know if the 3d models for the ships in overide or origional escape velocity are available anywhere (i realize that they are probably not, being copyrighted works and all, but if they were, the gunship repaint would look somewhat better.)


I'd be willing to help too if you wanted. I have more time but jdh545 is much better than me. If you want you can e-mail me and I'll see what I can do about the two pics you want

Reech is coming.
Get ready for it.

You can get the EVO ship models in the EVO addons page. I don't know about the EV models. I'll e-mail you(jdh545) the cannon pics.

Immortal Firefly, if you're still insterested, I still need a bunch of outfit pics.

Cuz I'm a 21st Century Digital Boy
I don't know the Monty Python but I've got a lotta toys
My daddy is a Renegade, his name is Hellcat Helian
Wait a second...


Originally posted by 21st Century Digital Boy:
You can get the EVO ship models in the EVO addons page. I don't know about the EV models.

The models from the original EV are not available, and Matt Burch has no plans to make them available.

David Arthur
(url="http://"")Talon Plugin for the original Escape Velocity(/url)