Meresa kicked the Bucket

I killed meresa cause he tried to kill me because i killed his brother for the book. Is tha a big problem.. i also got a scroll that i couldnt read.

p.s. on a completely different note, does anyone know how to find a dark fairy?



Originally posted by shortness013:
**I killed meresa cause he tried to kill me because i killed his brother for the book. Is tha a big problem.. i also got a scroll that i couldnt read.

p.s. on a completely different note, does anyone know how to find a dark fairy?


Welcome to the game - I meant to say that in my first reply to you! 🙂 Take the scroll back to Mary Krystina in Fantrima, she will be able to translate it for you.

To find a dark fairy, start in Gwyden Camp and go to Wyrm Valley. 1N, 1E, 1N, 1E, & 1N

My Doctor said I was having too much wine, women, and song - so I gave up singing because 2 out of 3 is not so bad.

Erm - shortness, are you going to post EVERYtime you have a problem?
