EV Developer's Community?

I've been thinking about something a lot lately. I've noticed that there are a few pages here and there for plugins, they all seem to be scattered. Most of them are linked to consumers by virtue of the Ambrosia EV/O link page, and most of them are using a variety of different web hosts.

Well, here's what I've been thinking; what if someone were to set up a web server to provide web hosting to plugin developers. The server could provide a variety of services from UBB to CGI. This project wouldn't be just any other developers gathering, it would be a huge collaboration of developers working together.

Now, obviously there would be a large investment cost, but I think it would be well worth it considering the benefit. We would most likely have to charge a nominal fee to cover expenses.

What does everyone think? Sound interesting?


Gentleman at arms.

Star Trek: Escape Velocity

Funny you should say that...in about two weeks, EV-Dev.net will go live. EV-Dev.net is an online portal taylored to fit every EV Developers needs. Using a PHP community script, the site will feature reviews and previews of plugs and plug utilities, as well as in depth articles about every aspect of plug developing. One of the headlining articles will be a case study by Hudson about building a modular ship library. I can't say much about that now, so instead, I'll list some more features of the site:

  • Web hosting for small TC and plug design companies.

  • Seperate webboards for EV Classic, Override and Nova developers

  • An up to date news system

  • As I said above, articles about every aspect of plug creation, neatly fitting under the titles Design, Coding, Graphics, Storytelling and Miscellanious. The articles will range from graphics tutorials, advice on making that website to how keep the reader of your story on the edge of his seat.

  • A dynamic website with an easy to use interface.

  • Much, much more...(spot the cliché)

Although I can't garuntee the site going live in the next few weeks, me and the rest of the dev.net team (article writers and moderators) will try our best to get things as going quickly as possible.

Ladies and Gentlemen, as you know we have something special for you at
Birdland this evening. A recording for Blue Note Records...

Let's take it back to the concrete streets, original beats and real live MC's...
"We find it hard to strike a good balance between reality and fun. The reason being? Reality is often not fun." - _pipeline

Wow, sounds really fantastic. Guess there's no point in planning anything myself, eh?

You can definitely count me in. Should I contact you directly?


Gentleman at arms.

Star Trek: Escape Velocity