Where is Perugo Forest?

Where is Perugo Forest?



Originally posted by shortness013:
**Where is Perugo Forest?


Perugo Forest is about six screens south of the Plains of Endless Wind, which, in turn, are 2 or 3 screens south of the bridge which was being built across the river. You will have to cross under the Varandeep Lake to access this area. There is a cave on the north of the lake which has an exit on the south side of the lake. When you find the tunnel entrance for North Gidolan, Perugo Forest in one screen east.

My Doctor said I was having too much wine, women, and song - so I gave up singing because 2 out of 3 is not so bad.

Stark Bledfast created a huge compendium walk through (url="http://"http://www.avalon.net/~honda/pog/pogwalkthrough.htm")here(/url). It can tell you where things are and how to complete any of the quests if you are really stuck.


Who is John Galt?

It's a bit cheap in my oppinion, but definently useful.....CHACHACHACHACHA!
