plugins dont work

None of the pillars of garendall plugins work that i have tried but Gold plugin. Ive tried trinity, volumecontrol and gold.I have a mac i have the registered version on CD.please help!


Originally posted by Chrios:
None of the pillars of garendall plugins work that i have tried but Gold plugin. Ive tried trinity, volumecontrol and gold.I have a mac i have the registered version on CD.please help!

Hi Mr. Chrios, Check to see that you have not put the whole Trinity folder inside the plugins folder. Just place the document marked "(x) Trinity plugin" inside that folder. Do you have PoG on your hard disk? I don't think you can play from the CD.

Why is it we park on driveways and drive on Parkways?


Originally posted by Chrios:
None of the pillars of garendall plugins work that i have tried but Gold plugin. Ive tried trinity, volumecontrol and gold.I have a mac i have the registered version on CD.please help!

Mr. Chrios,

99.9% of the problems with mac plug-ins is due to incorrect installation or corrupted download.

First, make sure you are installing the correct folder into your PoG->plugins directory. You do not want to put the entire folder that you unstuffed in there. Usually within the unstuffed folder are several items: a readme text document, version history(if needed), and another folder that has a similar or the same name as its parent folder. This is the folder that you want to place into your PoG->plugins directory, and not the parent folder. And for the record, the contents of the folder you wish to install will be 4 items: a file named Data001.dat, and three folders: Movies, Music, and Sounds. If you are installing a folder that does not contain these items then you are not installing the correct folder).

Second, make sure you have a complete file. For trinity, if you pulled the plug-in off the CD then you most likely do not have the plug-in. There has been a problem in the pressing of cd's that placed the trinity folder onto the cd, but no data. Select the trinity folder and then get information on it(open-apple I). The folder size should be somewhere in the 15MB range. If it is less than this then you don't have the plug-in and will need to download it from Ambrosia's website. Check out VolumeControl as well. If the size differs from what it says on the download site then you probably didn't get it down.

Lastly make sure that when you start up PoG that the plug-ins are not only listed in the pop-up window for plug-ins, but also that you have placed a check mark in the box that is next to the plug-ins name. If you do not check the box then the plug-in will not load(and thus be unuseable).

Btw, for a more concise and easier to follow set of directions for installing Trinity and other plug-ins(as well as exact file sizes for the various Trinity components), check out (url="http://"")this(/url) link.

Post back and let me know if any of the above gets you up and running.

Good luck.

(edit) Threw in the link above (/edit)
"Usenet is like a herd of performing elephants with diarrhea --
massive, difficult to redirect, awe-inspiring, entertaining, and a
source of mind-boggling amounts of excrement when you least expect
it." -- Gene Spafford, 1992

(This message has been edited by Stark Bledfast (edited 07-20-2002).)

Listen to Mr. Bledfast



Originally posted by Chrios:
None of the pillars of garendall plugins work that i have tried but Gold plugin. Ive tried trinity, volumecontrol and gold.I have a mac i have the registered version on CD.please help!

As the developer of VolumeControl, I feel obliged to tell you a little secret that we plug-in writers have known about for perhaps the last week (no, it isn't that government conspiracy thing): Almost none of the keydowns for any plug-in work on Windows. VolumeControl's keys certainly don't. Why? I have no idea. All I know is that it is not my fault. I have looked back over the source files and there is nothing wrong with them at all. My best guess is that the problem is due to incorrect keymapping interpretation on Windows computers, and the only solution is to either bug Beenox until they fix up Coldstone, or buy a Mac. I'm currently testing a new version of VolumeControl which is compiled by the latest beta of Coldstone 1.0.1 in hopes that the newest version will fix this bug.

The greatest of harm can result from the best of intentions Ā— Wizard's Second Rule, Stone of Tears.
Ā— Cafall


Originally posted by Cafall:

While your post is correct, Cafall, you missed that he specifically said he is using a mac, not a PC. So his problems are not a result of the keydown mix-ups. šŸ˜›

"Usenet is like a herd of performing elephants with diarrhea --
massive, difficult to redirect, awe-inspiring, entertaining, and a
source of mind-boggling amounts of excrement when you least expect
it." -- Gene Spafford, 1992

Oops. Well, at least the PC users saw that... maybe. šŸ™‚

The greatest of harm can result from the best of intentions Ā— Wizard's Second Rule, Stone of Tears.
Ā— Cafall

Sorry I took so looong! I was on vacation in Hawaii. Stark Bledfast was right. Thank you alot stark. Thanx again and again!!!!


Originally posted by Chrios:
Sorry I took so looong! I was on vacation in Hawaii. Stark Bledfast was right. Thank you alot stark. Thanx again and again!!!!

Glad to hear it Mr. Chrios, you're welcome.

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