Information please

On the botttom of this and other boards there is a list of members who are visiting and the number of visiting guests.
How does the board know who are the members and who are the guests?
Has each identified member posted within that time? I can see no evidence of that.
Or should each member have a cookie to identify them, whether they post or not?


(This message has been edited by Kevin Jordan (edited 06-19-2001).)

When you log on to there server, it must know that you just logged on (and count you as a guest). When you post something, it must know who you are (and put your name at the bottem of the screen)

Silent Night will be going into beta hopefully sometime in the summer of 2002!
If you look far enough on the horizon, there will always be a cloud.

Indeed, anyone who is accessing the sites and hasn't posted anything is labelled as a guest. However, when they post something, it sets a cookie in the computer telling the user name, this info is then sent to ASW's server which then change the person's status from guest to the appropriate user..

"Whose bright idea was it to remove the white shoes from the white feet of a white man in the hopes of not confusing a near-sighted, simple-minded, ravenously hungry lizard (accustomed to a diet of white rats)?"
(url="http://"")The Onion, America's finest news source(/url)

It also allows you to log in, which therefore identifies you as the member that you are without posting anything.

And speaking of posting to make it recognise you as a member, I just forgot to type in my member name and password for this message. 🙂

YakKa Foob MoG. GRuG
PubbuWuP ZiNk WattooM
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