Pillars of Garendall

Will there be a Pillars of Garendall II or an official expansion to the world of Garendall?

heh heh heh


Originally posted by Mac12:
Will there be a Pillars of Garendall II or an official expansion to the world of Garendall?

Mr. Mac12,

PoG II - I seriously doubt it. Beenox has publicly stated their end to shareware, and has returned to where they came from, which is developing console games(for their company they are concentrating on the X box). They have obligations to PoG and Coldstone, and will continue to fix bugs and release updates, but I really doubt they will pool their resources to create a whole new sequel to the game.

Official expansion - This is a possibility. Plug-ins are not terribly hard to create, and Beenox has the artists and all of the world files at their disposal. If a few company employees wished to blow off some steam and create some expansions in their free time, then we will get them. I haven't heard an official word that anything is coming down the pipe, but I do recall Dee saying a while ago that another Beenox plug-in was a possibility; which isn't a confirmation nor a denial. Take that for what it is worth, but don't hold your breath.

"But soon, soon, soon... the world will be a better place, with meadows and bunnies and fiber optics in every home..."
- Tom Dowdy, Apple Computer


heh heh heh

Or you could just use Coldstone and make your own expansion to your liking.

"How do you do I, see you've met my, faithful handyman. He's a little brought down because when you knocked, he thought you were the Candyman. Now, don't get strung out by the way I look. Don't judge a book by it's cover. I'm not much of a man by the light of day, but by night I'm one hell of a lover. I'm just a sweet transvestite, from Transexual, Transylvania." -Dr. Frank-N-Furter, The Rocky Horror Picture Show


Originally posted by -esw-dragoon_77:
Or you could just use Coldstone and make your own expansion to your liking.

He could, yes. But he was asking specifically about official expansions which would be put out by Beenox. I myself would love to see an official world expansion(as opposed to Trinity, which I like, but there is no extra world files). But as of now there is no word on whether or not we will ever see one.

Though, if the developers would like to weigh in, I'm sure we'd all appreciate it... šŸ™‚

"But soon, soon, soon... the world will be a better place, with meadows and bunnies and fiber optics in every home..."
- Tom Dowdy, Apple Computer

I've been toying with the idea of a PoG sequel plug-in for a long time (ever since I beat the game), in which you travel North of the Avrany mountain range and (snipped to protect those who haven't beaten the game). However, I won't hoard this idea; anyone who can get together multiple artists, musicians, sound experts, animation experts, and extra programmers can go ahead and knock themselves out, for all I care. I don't have the patience, motivation, money, and time to make a commercial-quality sequel to PoG. And anyway, a good sequel plug-in is impossible right now, because you'd need to have allies (I'll let everyone guess why šŸ™‚ ).
And as for official expansions... I think most of the PoG player community would settle for an un official expansion at the moment. šŸ™‚

Yeah, your right, Stark. If Beenox released an official sequel or expansion, I would probably stop playing Unreal Tournament and Deus Ex and start playing PoG again.

"How do you do I, see you've met my, faithful handyman. He's a little brought down because when you knocked, he thought you were the Candyman. Now, don't get strung out by the way I look. Don't judge a book by it's cover. I'm not much of a man by the light of day, but by night I'm one hell of a lover. I'm just a sweet transvestite, from Transexual, Transylvania." -Dr. Frank-N-Furter, The Rocky Horror Picture Show

Soon, a very interesting link will be posted on this board... it all depends on how much time I get to use Coldstone in the next few days. Hang in there, y'all...

If passion rules reason, how can you allow only reason to rule you?
Ā— Cafall