EV3 Editors

Is the correct board for this discussion?

Can we talk a little bit about what kind of Res Editors that will be released for use with EV3? (including what people think about ResEdit)

Cool. ๐Ÿ†’

Gentleman at arms.
"False democracy shouts Every man down to the level of the average. True democracy cries All men up to the height of their fullest capacity for service and achievement."
-- Nicholas Murray Butler, American educator (1862-1947).


Originally posted by Harbinger:
**Is the correct board for this discussion?

Can we talk a little bit about what kind of Res Editors that will be released for use with EV3? (including what people think about ResEdit)

Cool. ๐Ÿ†’**

Hmmm, it would probably be better suited to the Devlopers board, so I'll move it there for you... ๐Ÿ˜‰

Cookie @ ATMOS



What kind of editors will be released WITH Nova? Or will there?

What kind of editors are others preparing for release?

Gentleman at arms.
Star Trek: Escape Velocity
"False democracy shouts Every man down to the level of the average. True democracy cries All men up to the height of their fullest capacity for service and achievement."

the w00tralpheditors will kick your ass.
'nuff said. They are the definition of end-all EV3 editors.




Originally posted by Harbinger:

What kind of editors will be released WITH Nova? Or will there?

What kind of editors are others preparing for release?


Hi Harbinger! Welcome to the boards!

I am hoping to release a whole set of editors for Nova, to be released with or soon after Nova comes out. This editor is called NovaTools, and it is a collection of about 24 plugins for ResEdit. NovaTools will be free, and a preview of the editing windows can be seen (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/cgi-bin/custom/imagedisplay.pl?image=evn_editors.jpg")here(/url).

I have also made a number of other useful tools for making EV plugins, including tools for making sprites, checking ships, mapping mission bits, importing and exporting Nova resources to a spreadsheet, and a tool for extracting/making mission storylines.

What I haven't made is a graphical map making tool, and I am hoping someone will do this.

I really liked using resedit to support my plugins, because I could get editors up and going fast enough for the Nova development team to use as they were building. ResEdit provides lots of functionality I don't have to worry about.

BTW I use resedit in OS9 and OSX under classic, it works fine.

and yeah, what else are other people planning to make editor wise for Nova??


NovaTools are coming.

I've made some basic ResEdit TMPLs based on my version of the EVN bible.
goto (url="http://"http://www.anatole.f2s.com/ev_stuff/dev_stuff/EV3_TMPLs.sit.bin")www.anatole.f2s.com/ev_stuff/dev_stuff/EV3_TMPLs.sit.bin(/url) for your copy.
Also, read that ReadMe before you use them...




Originally posted by DrRalph:

I am hoping to release a whole set of editors for Nova, to be released with or soon after Nova comes out. This editor is called NovaTools, and it is a collection of about 24 plugins for ResEdit. NovaTools will be free, and a preview of the editing windows can be seen here.


Picture response: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

You are definately an upstanding citizen...

If they are as good as you preach then you might think about selling them... I would buy them. This would help differentiate between the serious developers and duddy ones. Of course I respect everyone though. ๐Ÿ˜‰


Originally posted by DrRalph:
I have also made a number of other useful tools for making EV plugins, including tools for making sprites, checking ships, mapping mission bits, importing and exporting Nova resources to a spreadsheet, and a tool for extracting/making mission storylines.


Where are these other tools available?


Gentleman at arms.

Star Trek: Escape Velocity

Heh. the w00tRalphtoolsย™ aren't available yet. It's kind of pointless while the EVN engine isn't available for you to test your stuff on... ๐Ÿ˜‰

Mind you, as probably the person with the most experience (to date) at using the editors (we are using them to develop the scenario for Nova), I can tell you they are ~awesome~.

Cookie @ ATMOS



Originally posted by Frandall:
Mind you, as probably the person with the most experience**

(puts on frandall voice)
La de da! Me Me Me! ๐Ÿ˜›

Some people are so egotistical. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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"We find it hard to strike a good balance between reality and fun. The reason being? Reality is often not fun." - _pipeline


Originally posted by the Necromicon:
**(puts on frandall voice)
La de da! Me Me Me! ๐Ÿ˜›

Some people are so egotistical. ;)**

Sounds like sour grapes to me... ๐Ÿ˜‰

Cookie @ ATMOS



Originally posted by Frandall:
**Heh. the w00tRalphtoolsย™ aren't available yet. It's kind of pointless while the EVN engine isn't available for you to test your stuff on...;)

Cookie @ ATMOS

No silly goose, I meant, where are the other tools availible? Huh Ralph?


Gentleman at arms.

Star Trek: Escape Velocity

I also believe that Iridium's (url="http://"http://www.danicsoft.com/fusion/")Fusion(/url) will also be able to be used for EVN. Unfortunately, it's still in alpha so far (though you can still (url="http://"http://homepage.mac.com/nicwaller/.Public/Fusion046.sit")download it(/url), and (url="http://"http://homepage.mac.com/nicwaller/.Public/Source.sit")download the source(/url), as it is open-source).

Correct me if I'm wrong, Iridium, as I am not too well informed about it, other than the small page about it.

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Originally posted by DrRalph:
**and yeah, what else are other people planning to make editor wise for Nova??

Well I'm working on one called EV Outfitter that after I finish the EV/O versions, I'll start working on a Nova version. Unfortunately, not a lot of work has been done on it so far. :frown:

Recursive: adj. See Recursive