EV limits(?)

For my future(so close no matter how far) plug-in a few questions about the limits of EV programming:

  1. Is there an option to change one(or more) goverment's reply to hails followed by the success/unsuccess of a mission?
    Ex.: Situation A(Before mission): Respond to hail-"Go away."
    Situation B(After mission): Respond to hail-"We love you."
    A little bit extreme but I'm sure you see what I mean.
    1.1) Using the name of the pilot who is playing, can this be entered to one of the text fields of response?
    Ex.: Hailing to a confed member: "Ah, Johny-boy, I heard of your help to us against the pityful rebels."
  2. Is there an option to set a variable as something and use it in another place?
    Much like the use of the name that is given being entered to mission desc.: "Hey, it's Johny, maybe he can do the delivery for us?"
    This I thought when thinking that the answer to question 1 is no, but i'm sure that I can find another use for it.

Thank you very much.


3 things to add:

  1. All the question above are reffering to EV as to EVO(As to ev-nova?)
  2. Which of the games-ev/evo(/ev-nova?) has the better editting options(as in more..)?
  3. I see people writing about EV Nova compability, and other things. But as far as I understand it is not out yet..So how come they all know so much(little) about it?



Originally posted by Juggernaut:
s there an option to change one(or more) goverment's reply to hails followed by the success/unsuccess of a mission?



Originally posted by Juggernaut:
Using the name of the pilot who is playing, can this be entered to one of the text fields of response?

I don't think so.


Originally posted by Juggernaut:
Is there an option to set a variable as something and use it in another place?
Much like the use of the name that is given being entered to mission desc.: "Hey, it's Johny, maybe he can do the delivery for us?"

There aren't any text variables in EV.


Originally posted by Juggernaut:
Which of the games-ev/evo(/ev-nova?) has the better editting options(as in more..)?

Override has a few more features than EV, and higher numerical limits. Nova has ~way~ more features, and ~much~ higher numerical limits. It also has its own complete set of graphical editors from R&R; software, and a utility that can automatically port EV and Override plugs to the new engine.


Originally posted by Juggernaut:
**I see people writing about EV Nova compability, and other things. But as far as I understand it is not out yet..So how come they all know so much(little) about it?

Nova is not yet out. In fact, it hasn't entered beta testing yet. However, people who hang around the Nova board (such as myself) have been able to piece together a large amount of information about it from the cryptic hints and clues the developers have given out.

David Arthur
Talon Plugin for Classic EV: (url="http://"http://members.aol.com/darthur1/talon-ev/")http://members.aol.c...thur1/talon-ev/(/url)

Well, actually, I thought you could enter things such as "<PN>" (Player Name) and "<PSN>" (Player Ship Name).

"The heathens are upon us. Arm yourselves and go with God." Paul Benden, Commander of the Purple Sector Fleet, prior to the Battle of Cygni.
(url="http://"http://pub70.ezboard.com/bevtechsoftware")EVTech Software Webboard(/url)


Originally posted by Admiral Benden:
**Well, actually, I thought you could enter things such as " <PN>" (Player Name) and "<PSN>" (Player Ship Name).


if i remember correctly, that is true.

(url="http://"http://www.grybs.com/harzius")Harzius Productions(/url)
(url="http://"http://www.IcedEarth.com")Iced Earth(/url)

Yes. Look at the LAST page of the EV bible's mIsn section, and the truth will be revealed to text variables. There's a LOT of them, David.


Well I always thought that the <PN>/whatever only worked for desc resources. Has anyone tried putting a <PN> in a hail? I'll go try it...

(Note: Woohoo! 601 posts! I forgot to say it on the 600th, so here I am ;))

Recursive: adj. See Recursive


Originally posted by Anatole:
Yes. Look at the LAST page of the EV bible's mIsn section, and the truth will be revealed to text variables.

I know about the substitution commands in EV. However, the question seemed to be about a plugin being able to set variables of its own and use them later, which is of course not possible. <PN> and <PSN> aren't really variables so much as constants from a development point of view.

David Arthur
Talon Plugin for Classic EV: (url="http://"http://members.aol.com/darthur1/talon-ev/")http://members.aol.c...thur1/talon-ev/(/url)

Okay. I just tried using <PN> and <PSN> in the hail/comm quotes. It didn't work. Yep, it seems those commands only work on desc's (or at least the mission related ones. I don't know if the other desc's also accept it). Oh well. :frown:

Recursive: adj. See Recursive


Originally posted by David Arthur:
**Nova is not yet out. In fact, it hasn't entered beta testing yet. However, people who hang around the Nova board (such as myself) have been able to piece together a large amount of information about it from the cryptic hints and clues the developers have given out.


David pieces together ALL of the information, the rest of us just sit back and wonder if he's just making it up... I have no idea how he manages to know so much.

1 - 1/3 + 1/5 - 1/7 + 1/9 - 1/11... = pi/4.
pi= 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494...

(This message has been edited by some moderator because they all dislike me)


Originally posted by pianoman:
**David pieces together ALL of the information, the rest of us just sit back and wonder if he's just making it up... I have no idea how he manages to know so much.

Well, there's been speculation on the Nova board that he's either one of the ATMOS people in disguise or the collective conscience of them or something. I'd say perfect memory. I know a lot of stuff about the original, but not as much as he does.

So go on the internet game sites and bash all the PC users!


Originally posted by Juggernaut:
**For my future(so close no matter how far) plug-in a few questions about the limits of EV programming:

  1. Is there an option to change one(or more) goverment's reply to hails followed by the success/unsuccess of a mission?
    Ex.: Situation A(Before mission): Respond to hail-"Go away."
    Situation B(After mission): Respond to hail-"We love you."
    A little bit extreme but I'm sure you see what I mean.
    1.1) Using the name of the pilot who is playing, can this be entered to one of the text fields of response?
    Ex.: Hailing to a confed member: "Ah, Johny-boy, I heard of your help to us against the pityful rebels."
  2. Is there an option to set a variable as something and use it in another place?
    Much like the use of the name that is given being entered to mission desc.: "Hey, it's Johny, maybe he can do the delivery for us?"
    This I thought when thinking that the answer to question 1 is no, but i'm sure that I can find another use for it.

Thank you very much.

  1. Actually, you could kind of do this, though i wouldn't be 100%. If you gave the player a negative initial record with the government, and made it so they could get the first mission with a negative record, and gave them a large compreward that would push the record over 0, it could be done, because the ships would switch from hate to OK messages. However, that would be prone to error, as the player could do a lot to his record before starting to work for the government.
  2. <PN> and <PSN> work in a few places, I've seen them work in pirate hail quotes, I think. In mission texts, they've been pretty well explained.
  3. I think no, as others have said, but I'm not positive what you're saying there. Want to elaborate some?

So go on the internet game sites and bash all the PC users!


Originally posted by Macavenger:
**1) Actually, you could kind of do this, though i wouldn't be 100%. If you gave the player a negative initial record with the government, and made it so they could get the first mission with a negative record, and gave them a large compreward that would push the record over 0, it could be done, because the ships would switch from hate to OK messages. However, that would be prone to error, as the player could do a lot to his record before starting to work for the government.
2) <PN> and <PSN> work in a few places, I've seen them work in pirate hail quotes, I think. In mission texts, they've been pretty well explained.
3) I think no, as others have said, but I'm not positive what you're saying there. Want to elaborate some?

1)I've been thinking about it, and I have a small idea on how to bypass that problem(if there's demand i'll be happy to post it).
about 3(or 2 at my post): Well, I've come to that question from my short experience with Pascal(Kill the teacher!) where you can set variables, or give the user that option.. And by that using those variables in another location in the program. Let's just say I want to save the pilot's status with the confed when the confed falls down..but in the future it will rise again for some reason.. there I set variable 'a' to the number of goodiness or evilness and when the confed are back it is set back to 'a'..
is that elaborating enough? 🙂
if it's still a no..well..it is not so darn bad..



Originally posted by Juggernaut:
Well, I've come to that question from my short experience with Pascal(Kill the teacher!) where you can set variables, or give the user that option.. And by that using those variables in another location in the program. Let's just say I want to save the pilot's status with the confed when the confed falls down..but in the future it will rise again for some reason.. there I set variable 'a' to the number of goodiness or evilness and when the confed are back it is set back to 'a'..
is that elaborating enough? 🙂

Plugins aren't made with a programming language, and there's no complex variables that you can set or read, only the substitution functions mentioned above. The only variables in EV are the mission bits, which can be set to either 0 or 1.

David Arthur
Talon Plugin for Classic EV: (url="http://"http://members.aol.com/darthur1/talon-ev/")http://members.aol.c...thur1/talon-ev/(/url)


Originally posted by David Arthur:
**Plugins aren't made with a programming language, and there's no complex variables that you can set or read, only the substitution functions mentioned above. The only variables in EV are the mission bits, which can be set to either 0 or 1.

For now at least. Come Nova you can do some boolean expressions!

Recursive: adj. See Recursive


Originally posted by Juggernaut:
**1)I've been thinking about it, and I have a small idea on how to bypass that problem(if there's demand i'll be happy to post it).

Please tell. I'm always open to new tricks...

Recursive: adj. See Recursive


Originally posted by Juggernaut:
**1)I've been thinking about it, and I have a small idea on how to bypass that problem(if there's demand i'll be happy to post it).
about 3(or 2 at my post): Well, I've come to that question from my short experience with Pascal(Kill the teacher!) where you can set variables, or give the user that option.. And by that using those variables in another location in the program. Let's just say I want to save the pilot's status with the confed when the confed falls down..but in the future it will rise again for some reason.. there I set variable 'a' to the number of goodiness or evilness and when the confed are back it is set back to 'a'..
is that elaborating enough? 🙂
if it's still a no..well..it is not so darn bad..


You can do this with vis bits/misn bits. Set up a vis bit which swaps all the confed systs and flets with systs + flets that are identical, but have a different govt (which might also be called "confed", and have different hail quotes). The player's status with the original confeds is very unlikely to change since he cannot interact with them after the swap. You undo the swap later on to resurrect the original confeds.

EV 1.0.5 supports crude logic on mission bits (can require 2 misn bits to receive a misn, set 2 bits on completion of a misn, require a bit not be set, unset bits).



Originally posted by magicianeer:


Originally posted by Juggernaut:
**1)I've been thinking about it, and I have a small idea on how to bypass that problem(if there's demand i'll be happy to post it).
about 3(or 2 at my post): Well, I've come to that question from my short experience with Pascal(Kill the teacher!) where you can set variables, or give the user that option.. And by that using those variables in another location in the program. Let's just say I want to save the pilot's status with the confed when the confed falls down..but in the future it will rise again for some reason.. there I set variable 'a' to the number of goodiness or evilness and when the confed are back it is set back to 'a'..
is that elaborating enough? 🙂
if it's still a no..well..it is not so darn bad..


You can do this with vis bits/misn bits. Set up a vis bit which swaps all the confed systs and flets with systs + flets that are identical, but have a different govt (which might also be called "confed", and have different hail quotes). The player's status with the original confeds is very unlikely to change since he cannot interact with them after the swap. You undo the swap later on to resurrect the original confeds.

EV 1.0.5 supports crude logic on mission bits (can require 2 misn bits to receive a misn, set 2 bits on completion of a misn, require a bit not be set, unset bits).


That was indeed my idea, plus giving a status with the confed of most likely what it would be by now..I mean if you do a few missions and become a hero or something, you'd probably get a certain status, such as upstanding citizen, and therefore a little up, a little down but close to the original confed status..



Is there an option to change one(or more) goverment's reply to hails followed by the success/unsuccess of a mission?

aside from the record idea already suggested, you can also create another copy of the government and give it different hail quotes, but then you'd also have to make new copies of everything (systs, dudes, ships with inherent governments, perss, etc.) and set them all up with the right visbits


1.1) Using the name of the pilot who is playing, can this be entered to one of the text fields of response?
2) Is there an option to set a variable as something and use it in another place?

as was mentioned, all the little <pn> type things are there for exactly this. they can be used in a lot of places, if not everywhere. i've seen them in descs (only mission descriptions, but they probably work in the rest), str#s (including hails), and in the names of misns (such as "transport cargo to <dst>")

if tin whistles are made of tin, what's a fog horn made of?

(This message has been edited by nighthawk (edited 06-11-2001).)