Developer resources

With EV Nova on its way out, I want to see what you folks would like to have in terms of developer resources.

Currently, we offer:

-- This web board

-- The EV Nova bible online

-- The EV Plugin Developer's FAQ (which needs updating)

What else would you guys like/need? We could make a Chronicles area, but something tells me that there wouldn't be enough articles posted there.

There will be a section on the EV Nova web links page for plugin developer resources, and I could make a file area available solely to plugin developers -- however I've the feeling that just a section on the EV Nova file area should be enough.

Anyone have any thoughts?

Andrew Welch / el Presidente / Ambrosia Software, Inc.
Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level then beat you with experience.

This is perhaps an extreme request, but I think it'd be neat
if ASW produced extra graphics for plugin developers to draw

If you're like me, you can figure out how to program a plug,
what with the all the helps and editors, etc, and you can
think up cool ideas for a storyline and different ways to
extend the use of the engine, but you have absolutely no
graphics skill, nor the time to develop them just for the
sake of making a plug. (Fooling with a plug takes enough
time already . . .)

If ASW created a collection of ship sprites and other
in game graphics not actually used in the Nova scenario,
it would give plugin developers something more to work
with. It could even be used as an incentive to register.

I don't feel right ripping off somebody else's work for
my own plug just for kicks, and the preinstalled graphics
are already strongly associated with existing characteristics
and storylines.

Am I communicating here?

(A graphics library! That's what I'm trying to say . . .)

Though knowne to few, that Arthegall he hight,
The doughtiest knight that liv'd that day, and most of might.

Edmund Spenser
The Faerie Queene (IV, 4)

(This message has been edited by Arthegall (edited 06-05-2001).)

Since Nova is so much different(better and more complicated) than EV or EVO, I think you should put up a new developers forum for EVN.

"The heathens are upon us. Arm yourselves and go with God." Paul Benden, Commander of the Purple Sector Fleet, prior to the Battle of Cygni.
(url="http://"")EVTech Software Webboard(/url)

I agree with the idea of creating a new developer's board for Nova, and also a new plugin FAQ. I don't know if having ATMOS create extra ship graphics would be practical. I suppose they could wait a while and rest after the release of Nova, and then make some additional graphics and make them available to registered users.

David Arthur
Talon Plugin for Classic EV: (url="http://"")

(This message has been edited by David Arthur (edited 06-05-2001).)

Hmmm...Sounds good...
The only thing I could see is a "To Enter The Graphics Library, Enter Your Liscense Code", which could lead to an increase in piracy quickly...
I dunno.



Ideas are free, so I'll share 'em. . .

What if ASW were to send out a call to their gifted
artist constituency something along these lines . . .

"We're creating a graphics library for plugin developers
for EV, EVO, Nova, etc. We'd love to collect as many
cool pieces to include as possible. If you're interested
in seeing your work as part of the library, send it to us."

It wouldn't have to be a paid thing, just a way to be involved
and get your work out there and used. I suspect that there are
some artists out there that do good work that either 1) have the
time to do a few things but don't have time to do all the
graphics for a big plug or 2) don't have time or inclination
to actually implement their graphics into a plug.

A user-submission-based graphics library would allow talents to
combine and perhaps expand the enjoyment of the game for a lot of people.

I guess in one sense this sounds like "C'mon, somebody do graphics
for me," but in another sense some kind of library combined with
wOOtRalph would be a kind of NovaColdstone. (It's also kind of an issue
because the graphics-creation-difficulty/expense curve seems to have risen
with Nova.)

What do you artists out there think?

Though knowne to few, that Arthegall he hight,
The doughtiest knight that liv'd that day, and most of might.
Edmund Spenser
The Faerie Queene (IV, 4)

(This message has been edited by Arthegall (edited 06-05-2001).)

With the opening of in about a fortnight, there will be places to discuss development of each engine seperatly, as well as many resources for graphic artists and developers. The idea of a graphics library is we're toying with, so stay tuned.

Ladies and Gentlemen, as you know we have something special for you at
Birdland this evening. A recording for Blue Note Records...

Let's take it back to the concrete streets, original beats and real live MC's...
"We find it hard to strike a good balance between reality and fun. The reason being? Reality is often not fun." - _pipeline


Originally posted by the Necromicon:
**With the opening of in about a fortnight, there will be places to discuss development of each engine seperatly, as well as many resources for graphic artists and developers. The idea of a graphics library is we're toying with, so stay tuned.

Yippee! That's sounding better and better!

Ideas? Well... If, along with an updated FAQ and this webboard are up. I think that will be enough. Maybe, maybe a few ambrosia/ATMOS/R&R; tutorials on their specific stuff. But that is a maybe. It hink it's probably good enough as it is.

Recursive: adj. See Recursive

as an addendum to the online bible or the faq, there could be an appendix with information compiled along the lines of the "undocumented craftiness" topic a few months back. it should of course be moderated to ensure that its contents remain both useful and managable.

work suspended on (url="http://"")Pax Crescentia(/url), a continuation of the Strand saga
darned refusebitset!

Also, on graphics libraries, Meowx will do graphics. It does cost money, but there are 48 ships in 4 sets that are free. If you want to see more, go to (url="http://"")Meowx Shipyards(/url) I think the site has been having some problems lately, but I believe the shipyard is still fully functional.

So go on the internet game sites and bash all the PC users!

hmm, I think that this board will work just fine for EV:N along with EV and EV:O, it's not very active at the moment and could do with a boost.

(url="http://"")Carrcho Help(/url)

I could always contribute some graphics to whatever gallery is going where, if people want that.

But, back to Andrew's first point, I agree with others that EVN should have its own developers board due to eXtReMe differences between developing for it and, say, EVO. It just makes more sense that way.

I can see people being a lot more demanding of graphic artists for Nova plug work, which is going to either put out a lot of artists around here or really raise the bar for quality and style. Or both...looks like I'm going to have to upgrade my skills to compete, though...

- () () / }{ -
(formerly fatalin.tycho)
(url="http://"")Cold Blood(/url)


Originally posted by blackhole:
**hmm, I think that this board will work just fine for EV:N along with EV and EV:O, it's not very active at the moment and could do with a boost.


I agree, blackhole -- I don't see a reason for another developer's web board. Perhaps another developer FAQ, but this one web board is fine for EV/EVO/EVN

Andrew Welch / el Presidente / Ambrosia Software, Inc.
Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level then beat you with experience.

As far as graphics go, the higher quality offered by the EVN Engine as well as the 640x480 ship buying screens (and ATMOS's own great work) is going to mean that the standard of graphics in plugs is going to have to be much higher than in the original EV/EVO. When the largest image was a 100x100 shot you didn't exactly have to add much detail.

I'll be interested to see what comes out graphics wise.

- Squinky

WARNING: THIS OBJECT DOES NOT EXIST - the existential negation campaign
(url="http://"")My Stuff(/url)


Originally posted by Squinky:
As far as graphics go, the higher quality offered by the EVN Engine as well as the 640x480 ship buying screens (and ATMOS's own great work) is going to mean that the standard of graphics in plugs is going to have to be much higher than in the original EV/EVO.

Just for clarity: Nova's shipyard images are 200x200, the comm dialog image has been removed (the shipyard image is used instead), and in the shipyard, there's also a large (600x400) image that acts as a sort of a catalog image.

David Arthur
(url="http://"")Talon Plugin for Classic EV(/url)

Hey Andrew,
If your reading this i need HELP. I cant seem to create a new ship or weapon without
using an older ones I.D. I also can't get Mechanisto graphics to go into Res-edit or Make-Spin. Please help.
A devoted EV fan



Originally posted by Edwin:
Hey Andrew,
If your reading this i need HELP. I cant seem to create a new ship or weapon without
using an older ones I.D. I also can't get Mechanisto graphics to go into Res-edit or Make-Spin.

I wouldnt ask andrew, I would post a new topic on the developers board asking all the other knowlageable people. Explain your problem really clearly to avoid confusion, and give an example of what you're doing. This will enable a speedy and accurate reply.

Oh, and learn the difference between your and you're

(url="http://"")Carrcho Help(/url)

That was a bit harsh hole.

Still, it was the right advice but you could have said it nicer.

Andrew, how about giving me a free copy of lightwave? 🙂

And are you sure about not having two developers boards? Maybe you should ask everyone, then again, your call. Personally I will just be happy to have nova.


"How can I make it go faster?" -Me-

I think a new, oftenly updated EVN plug FAQ would be justified by the amount of complexity of EVN and EVN's ressources (those who don't beleive me, download the Bible ).

However, this board isn't too much active to justify the creation of another. Why would EVN problems be separated from EV and EVO problems? There are still common sources of problems.

And I would like to thank Andrew for asking us before taking decisions, and I would like everyone here to thank Andrew for this. Long live Andrew! Long live AmbrosiaSW!

Y'a personne qui parle français ici?

Yeah it was nice of him to ask. I suppose we can survive with one board 🙂 bareley.

Maybe when nova comes out we could change the colour scheme a bit. liven the place up. Some blue or burgundy would be nice 🙂


"How can I make it go faster?" -Me-