Why Dosnt my Armor Show up?

Um.... in all the screen shots armor shows up, but it wont show up on mine... any ideas?



Originally posted by Rugbuk:
Um.... in all the screen shots armor shows up, but it wont show up on mine... any ideas?

Mr. Rugbuk,

Are you talking about the picture of your hero character as he walks around the screen, and how he starts out looking like he is just wearing clothing as compared to screen shots where he is walking around in full plate armor?

If this is the case then don't worry, all is well. Your character picture changes as you perform the (url="http://"http://www.avalon.net/~honda/pog/pogwalkthrough2a.htm#knightmission")knight's quest(/url). When you become a page your icon changes, when you become a squire it changes again, and when you become a knight your character is decked out in full shiny armor. If you have trinity installed then the ranger and conjuror classes have their own pictures as well.

If you are asking about something else, please explain as I don't know what you are asking.

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