Too much mem for what?

(I should probably have put this on the developers board but...oh well.)
So recently i have gotten more interested in the programming side of EV. I've had ResEdit and the Bible and everything for years now, just haven't really gotten into yet. Well now i've just been messing around (careful to keep duplicates and not save anything i messed with...) and i've run into a small problem, and an interesting quirk that probably isn't really even a quirk i'm just too ignorant to know.
The quirk is that whenever i open a regular përs file (probably with others too just haven't tried it yet) I get the regular code junk. When i open it when i already have ev templates open, it opens right up to the template. Otherwise, its difficult to get to the template.
My problem is when exploring EVGE in ResEdit i'm running in to some memory problems. I've been looking at my pilot specifically. My ship name is also part of that file, though i haven't really figured what the distinction is between the ship and pilot info...haven't gotten that far yet. So whenever i go to templates (the quirk doesn't work for my mpďls) and try to get in one (gives me the long list of stuff i have no clue about) it says the resource is too big to fit in the template. If i still open it, it deletes a whole lot of stuff in the resource and changes it from being a 9000 sized resource to a 30 sized 'source. Then i have to revert the file and back up, start again etc... Is the any way i can allow the template more memory? (i've already increased ResEdit's memory allocation because 520 just isn't suitable) I'd really like to figure out just how to edit my pilot, just so i can do a little more experimentation with ResEdit. I know i'm probably over my head, but its all good. I should probably catch some zzz's. Headin off to six flags tommorow, gotta get up early....


Did you paste the template into what you are working on?
Are opening the pilot file or a data file?
Exactly what resource are you dealing with (if you are opening a data file)?
When you were talking about pasting something where were you trying to paste it into?

You can't give more memory to indevidual files.
still trying to figure out what you are having trouble with.

"Whoopie! Man, that may have been a small one for Neil, but it's a long one for me."
-Pete Conrad third man on the moon

The problem could simply be that ResEdit it choked for memory. On my iMac, I couldn't even open the graphics data file because of memory restrictions. Try giving it atleast 40000k or more. On my G3, I always give it about 100,000k, and it runs smoothly without problems...

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I am opening my pilot info, not just a data file, my mpďl. I didn't paste anything....
The problem has to do with memory. It seems that my pilot info resource is too big to fit into a template format so i can edit it. Hope that helps to clarify things.
I'll try increasing ResEdits memory even more. Thanks.


This prolly would be better on the Dev board...

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Originally posted by Locke:
**I am opening my pilot info, not just a data file, my mpďl. I didn't paste anything....
The problem has to do with memory. It seems that my pilot info resource is too big to fit into a template format so i can edit it. Hope that helps to clarify things.
I'll try increasing ResEdits memory even more. Thanks.

The problem with editing the pilot file is that it doesn't have a tmpl, and it's encrypted. There was a discussion a while back with seant (the maker of pilot file editor) about how to do it w/out messing around with pfe. It involves some hex. I don't remember the post name/date though :frown:. Does anybody remember what and when it was? That would make it possible to find it...

Recursive: adj. See Recursive

(This message has been edited by diddlysquat (edited 06-03-2001).)


Originally posted by Locke:
**I am opening my pilot info, not just a data file, my mpďl. I didn't paste anything....
The problem has to do with memory. It seems that my pilot info resource is too big to fit into a template format so i can edit it. Hope that helps to clarify things.
I'll try increasing ResEdits memory even more. Thanks.

If you want to edit a pilot file, use PFE 2.0 . There's no other way to easily modify it. Also, think to thank Seant every day for having made the PFE :D.

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