Spöbs not showing up

One of the beta-testers for Galaxy's Edge has reported that a certain space station is not showing up. He says that when he gets a mission to it, the mission shows an arrow next to the system, but the map says the system is uninhabited, and the station is not there when he goes there.

On my computer this does not happen. The system is blue on the map and when I go there I can see the station and land on it. We're both running EVO v1.0.2 and using the same plug-in. Does anyone know what could be causing this?

Giule out.

Looks like a Mission Bit screw-up on his copy. To make sure, have him fly there in another pilot file. If the second one works fine, then the mission bits are your problem. No way out of that other then using custom missions to clear any bits that might be messing it up.

If it still is a problem, try trashing every single pilot file in the folder and getting a new copy of the plug. (I had this problem with plain old EVO 1.0.0, and that was the only thing that stopped it). If it STILL dosn't work, try reinstalling EVO.

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