Newbie asking for a little help

First off, I'd like to say hi to everyone here on this board. I've been reading the regular EV/EVO web boards, but was recently perusing the EV Image Gallery, and was wondering how I could put together an image like one of those.

As for my question, I'd like to ask three things. First, where could I get a good drawing, art, 3D rendering, etc. program for either my PC (I have a P3 650), or my mac. Second, where can I get a good/decent program for the same purposes. Thirdly, where could I get some info on how to start drawing well.

The reason for my third question is that I like to doodle and I like to draw, I'm just very bad at both, and so I'm wondering where I could start learning to create art.

Anyways, thanks for your time!

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Leave Central America and South-East Asia immediately:
Hurricane Warning


Originally posted by Slider:
**First off, I'd like to say hi to everyone here on this board. I've been reading the regular EV/EVO web boards, but was recently perusing the EV Image Gallery, and was wondering how I could put together an image like one of those.

As for my question, I'd like to ask three things. First, where could I get a good drawing, art, 3D rendering, etc. program for either my PC (I have a P3 650), or my mac. Second, where can I get a good/decent program for the same purposes. Thirdly, where could I get some info on how to start drawing well.

The reason for my third question is that I like to doodle and I like to draw, I'm just very bad at both, and so I'm wondering where I could start learning to create art.

Anyways, thanks for your time!

Well to get a good 3d program for the mac at least, try these: Mechanisto, it's available on the EV addons page (not the EVO unfortunately), and is pretty nice. Another to consider is Strata, it's free and really nice/powerful. You can get it here and I think it's also available for Windows. If you have cash (lots of it) try Carrara. From what I hear (I don't have the oodles of cash it needs), it's really, really nice.

For general art introduction? Well, go to the library in your area and check out the books on drawing. Read through them. Also just make sure to draw once a day. Maybe work on a specific thing, like say the vanishing point over a week. You will improve. Apart from that I have no more advice.

For your 2nd question: what are you asking? Sorry, I couldn't tell.

Recursive: n. See Recursive