What´s most inportant for a plug?


Originally posted by Martin Turner:
**Fenrir is definitely one of them. You may also notice the Yggdrassil stones (named after the world tree, although someone pointed out later that I mispelled it (groan)). Tyr is also a Norse God. Utheim (the system) was one of the nine worlds, and Fimbulwinter (the planet) is one of the signs of the end in Voluspa (first will come the Fimbulwinter...). The nine worlds are, of course, named after the nine worlds of Norse mythology.

Some other (non Norse) references you may have missed:

Sosostris (the planet) after the Fortune Teller in TS Eliot's Waste Land
Fortuna (the pirate base) after the goddess Luck in De consolatione philosophiae, and in Carmina Burana.
Froom in the Vega system is named after Suzanne Vega's husband Mitchell Froom. The other planet, Suzanne 4, gets its name from the same source. I listened a lot to her music while writing.
Shadow is named after the Blakes 7 episode of the same name.
Haven in the Jabbah system is named after a planet in Asimov's Foundation and Empire.
Heartsease, the pirate world, is named after one of the Changes books by Peter Dickinson, memorably televised by the BBC in the 1970's (what do you mean, you don't remember the 1970's?)
Kruger and Smuts in the Rhodus system are all named after people in South African history who contributed to apartheid. They fit with the extreme racist views of the inhabitants.
Aurios in the Scorpio system is named after a PA and lighting hire shop just outside Gent in Belgium (ok, so you weren't likely to get that one).
Cuenca in the Acubens system is named after a famous make of classical guitar.
Yeni Turkiye and Yeni Istanbul are Turkish for, respectively, New Turkey and New Istanbul, based on the planet from the original EV game.
Zwaan is Dutch for 'Swan', in the Cygnus system (Latin for 'Swan').
Solvay in the Heze system is named after a famous Belgian chemist who developed the industrial process for producing salt (or was it chlorine). He lived in a town I used to live in.
Nightfall is named after the Asimov story of the same name.
Cerberus in the Hades system is named after the hound of hell in Greek. Hades is Greek for Hell (kind of). Styx is the river that separates it from our world, and Charon is the ferryman.
Demeter was the mother of Persephone, who was taken to be the wife of Hades and brought back for half the year.
Argo was the ship in which Jason sailed in pursuit of the golden fleece. Medusa was the Gorgon slain by Perseus who mounted the winged horse Pegasus for the purpose.
Hibou is French for owl. The owl was the symbol of Pallas Athene in Greek, hence its place in the Pallas system.
The Erinyes were the Furies in Greek mythology, hence the names of the planets, Vengeance and Fury.
Nimrod was the huntsman in Genesis, hence his place in Sigma Orionis, named after Orion, the huntsman in Greek mythology.
Luther and Faust were figures in the Reformation. Faust, although made famous in Marlowe's Doctor Faustus and Goethe's Urfaust, was a historical figure and an opponent of Melanchton.
Koch and Kohl were modern German politicians.
Monocerotis means 'one horn', hence the name of the planet, Horn. Delta Monocerotis, in common with most of the stars, is a real star.

There are a few more, but that should be enough to be going on with.

So, to get back on topic, I personally think that a plugin should reference lots of other things (and echo them in the planet descriptions) to increase the depth a little.

D'oh!hits himself on head I can't beleive I missed some of those! Oh well. To get back on topic, definitely. It was nice in EV to have the Arrakis system w/ Dune in it. Or the Zaphod w/ Beeblebrox (and a desc which mentioned 2 heads and three arms ;))

Lead plugin programmer, Corsair Development