Ray Dream 5.5 for sale?

If anyone has an old (complete and legal!) copy of RayDream 5.5, we'd like to buy it. Email us and let us know how much you want for it.

Email: (url="http://"mailto:rodger@sutherland-studios.com.au")mailto:rodger@sutherland-studios.com.au(/url)rodger@sutherland-studios.com.au

Let me be the first one to do this:

Welcome you both!
I honor you! 🙂

(url="http://"http://www.wwiiplug.f2s.com/")WW2 Plug-in for EVO(/url)
Plug-in I'm working on with a couple of others.

I'm loking for Infini-d. A legal one of course, if you have a spare Infini-d please E-mail me, I'd be glad to buy it off of you.

Email: (url="http://"mailto:skyguy@bronzefx.com")mailto:skyguy@bronzefx.com(/url)skyguy@bronzefx.com