Hiring Mission-ships?

Many people perhaps have discovered that ships you can buy after completing missions, (Rebel & Confed ships in EV) isn't aviable to hire. But it's texts in the desc file with hire-texts for those ships. My question to more experienced plug-in developers and EV-programmers: is it possible to make mission-ships aviable to hire in both EV and EVO?
And if not, why? Is it a bug that is fixed in later versions that I haven't downloaded?

All E.T:s aren't nice.
(Most of them are evil green blobs)

Um, I'm not sure....
But I can answer your last question:
No. 1.0.2 is the LAST version of EVO. You'll just have to wait till Nova if it changed.

-Small Member ( Grr )

there are 2 preconditions to be able to hire a particular ship in a particular bar. first, the tech level of the ship must match one of the tech levels of the planet/station. second, there must not be a mission bit associated with the ship. unfortunately, this limitation is not mentioned in the bible.

coming soon: (url="http://"http://thunder.prohosting.com/~vasska/strandwar.html")War Without End(/url), a continuation of the Strand saga

Actually, it would be possible through the use of Visbits. Rather than have a mission bit associated with the ship, set the ship's tech level to a planet (or planets) that only appears after a certain Visbit is set. I haven't actually tried this (although I was toying with the idea for Mille Terrae), but the theory is sound.

At least is works around the problem.

Jon Potter
Thank you for your cooperation. Good night.


Originally posted by Wratho:
**Many people perhaps have discovered that ships you can buy after completing missions, (Rebel & Confed ships in EV) isn't aviable to hire. But it's texts in the desc file with hire-texts for those ships. My question to more experienced plug-in developers and EV-programmers: is it possible to make mission-ships aviable to hire in both EV and EVO?
And if not, why? Is it a bug that is fixed in later versions that I haven't downloaded?


It's impossible. Mission bit ships can't be hired, for reasons unknown. I'm sure there's some logical reason why it was done, but I don't know what it is.
