My ship image breaks up

I am doing a ship for a special purpose in a plug but whenever I use it, the image of the ship seems to be in four parts, contained within a picture, and keeps revolving within the picture. What can be the cause of this. Obviously something stupid on my part but very irritating. No other ship does this.


I'm not sure what you mean. I get the four parts bit, but what do you mean "contained within a picture." If I know exactly what the problem is, it's possible I could help.

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Sounds like your spin is messed.

"I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is to try to please everyone."
-Bill Cosby
Star Trek Escape Velocity

Is the sprite image size a multiple of 8?

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I've had that before. Only with big ships. I'd assume that problem is the sprite
size, are you sure the different lines fit the different ship angles perfectly?

One plug-in I got did this to the Rebel Destroyer without changing anything else.
I assume the designer did this accidentally when playing with the ship pics section,
and the only easy way to do it by accident would be if the problem occurs if the sprite
number is changed.

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Originally posted by Metzen:
**Sounds like your spin is messed.

Yes. Make sure the spin numbers argree with the actual size of the sprites. That would be my guess, anyways.

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Originally posted by StarStrafer:
**I'm not sure what you mean. I get the four parts bit, but what do you mean "contained within a picture." If I know exactly what the problem is, it's possible I could help.


Well, instead of showing the ship it shows a sort of square frame which has separate parts of the ship in it and these parts all spin within that frame as the ship travels. Soi would say it is definitely a spin problem - but what, I wonder?


Egad, how bizarre! I've never run into a problem remotely like that, but I agree with everyone else, it's likely a problem with the spďn. How many sprite frames did you use, the usual 36?

The last time I was on this board, the price of dumb questions was really high.
Ask me what I'm doing.


Originally posted by Kevin Jordan:
Well, instead of showing the ship it shows a sort of square frame which has separate parts of the ship in it and these parts all spin within that frame as the ship travels. Soi would say it is definitely a spin problem - but what, I wonder?

Sounds like your spďn size is too small. email me the plugin at and I'll fix it for you. I'm on a cable modem so size is irrelevant to me 😉

"I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is to try to please everyone."
-Bill Cosby
Star Trek Escape Velocity


Originally posted by Type11:
**Is the sprite image size a multiple of 8?


This one's my bet, the spins nead to be, for example... 8x8, 16x16, 32x32, 96x96 etc.


I'm betting you've got your grid size set smaller than the size of the actual pictures - that would create the effect, I think. I think that's what Metzen is saying. I'd recommend you follow up on his offer.

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Originally posted by Chrestomanci:
**I'm betting you've got your grid size set smaller than the size of the actual pictures - that would create the effect, I think. I think that's what Metzen is saying. I'd recommend you follow up on his offer.


Bingo, and thank you 😉

"I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is to try to please everyone."
-Bill Cosby
Star Trek Escape Velocity

The size must be a multipul of eight AND must not be either 48X48 or 88X88. Did you read the spin section in the EV Bible?

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