Strata Plugins...Cheap

(url="http://"") is selling strata 3d plugins for 30 bucks each...and you can get all four for $99.99. The plugins where previously over $100 each. :eek:

"I don't want to insist on it, Dave, but I am incapable of making an error" - HAL 9000

THANK YOU FOR SAYING THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
seriously, I can't thank you enough, I'd lost hope of getting them!

I think I'll take up Wudan.


Oh and Evil Penguin: I'd like to visit Wudan mtn. I mean you go there and you can fly! Is that cool or what?

Lead plugin programmer, Corsair Development

nice plugs..
Too expensive for me though... argh

Arrrrrrr!!!! D'ye have some rum, matey?