Multiplayer EVO


Originally posted by
**sebek is back!
i am very close to a net ev/o. the game is roughly playable via lan using tcp/ip. if i get ready to implement UDP correctly i could post a playable version (2 player) today. but i'm having heavy problems with this... i am actually workin' on it but i don't have much time for this. i have alot to do with studys and drama group at the moment :frown:

but here my principial note to EVMP:
EVMP is possible! under Linux there is a game called xsw (XShipWars) that proves this!
The most difficult part is the netcode for syncing the players data. A functional plugin engine exists! My actual research shows that there can be up to 50 ships in a galaxy if the server has enough bandwidth and power.
If a universe is spit into multiple servers (my attempt) it could easily carry thousands of players.



Yeah I notice Ship wars wwhen I was installing SuSE. When is it going to be released (I'd be willing to beta-test :D)

"Well, we could grind
our enemies into powder, but gosh, we did that yesterday."


Originally posted by diddlysquat:
**Oh come on, the Helian isn't that bad (I spend most of the early game in one).


The only time I'll usually fly a Helain is with upgrades, that way I can get away from all the guided weapons that tend to decimate renegade vessels. 🙂 I must admit the Helian is a rather cool-looking ship, though...

~Captain Skyblade

Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"")


I've still got all the beta copies of Helian wars (or as it was called at the latest stage "Renegadde Wars") and all the artwork i did (finally got my iMac (Rev.NOTHING) to work).
Still willing to work on it Tycho so gimme a buzz sometime this weekend.

Wham!Man - The original and still the best

Skyblade - The Clipper was cooler. 😛

MadFax7 - How's it coming? - COOL! Do you know when you may be able to release it? Will this be a plug for EVO, or a whole new program?

- Captain Stud Beefpile
- UE Naval 238th Squadron
- Crew of One Challenger
- Member of the Zacha Renegade Elimination Corporation


Originally posted by Stud Beefpile:
**Skyblade - The Clipper was cooler.:p

MadFax7 - How's it coming? - COOL! Do you know when you may be able to release it? Will this be a plug for EVO, or a whole new program?

Well you're right. The clipper was cooler, but then again all the ships in EV looked cooler than their EVO counterparts (my opinion).

"Well, we could grind
our enemies into powder, but gosh, we did that yesterday."

MadFax 7 posted on the Ares board that he might not be on for another couple of weeks. Hey, maybe he will have it finished by then.

"The heathens are upon us, arm yourselves and go with God."-Paul Benden, Commander of the Purple Sector Fleet


Originally posted by Admiral Benden:
**MadFax 7 posted on the Ares board that he might not be on for another couple of weeks. Hey, maybe he will have it finished by then.

That would be good (though I doubt it :frown:).

"Well, we could grind
our enemies into powder, but gosh, we did that yesterday."


Originally posted by Admiral Benden:
MadFax 7 posted on the Ares board that he might not be on for another couple of weeks.

That was a false alarm.


Originally posted by Stud Beefpile:
**MadFax7 - How's it coming?

I've temporally stoped working on it while I play through Diablo2. (only 2 more acts and I'm done!) Although once I finish that, work should progress pretty quickly.

I would promote it more, and take more screen shots (put them up rather) but I don't have the time to do so.

------------------ you plan on porting this to Mac OS X? Because if you do...use Cocoa. It's fast, stable, and as I am told, easy to debug. Just my insane idea here!



Originally posted by Stud Beefpile:
**Skyblade - The Clipper was cooler.:p

MadFax7 - How's it coming? - COOL! Do you know when you may be able to release it? Will this be a plug for EVO, or a whole new program?


Its a totally different program written in RealBasic. The first build was a non-mp two player game which was interesting to play 🙂


I have a question for MadFax. Will you make plug-in kinda things for A:O? It would be cool if you did.

"The heathens are upon us, arm yourselves and go with God."-Paul Benden, Commander of the Purple Sector Fleet


Originally posted by Admiral Benden:
**I have a question for MadFax. Will you make plug-in kinda things for A:O? It would be cool if you did.

Hmmmm, an interesting idea. The only way I COULD do this, would be if I replaced Ares' data files with my own. It might have issues when playing online... (specifically through GameRanger)


Madfax-Do you have any idea on the eta of the completion of AO. A lot of people will probably like to know.

"The heathens are upon us, arm yourselves and go with God."-Paul Benden, Commander of the Purple Sector Fleet


Originally posted by Admiral Benden:
**Do you have any idea on the eta of the completion of AO.

Nope. But I did update the (url="http://"")screen shots(/url) page. No new shots, but it's friendlier to smaller resolutions. I'm also working on some EZBoards for AO (actually, they're already done, I just haven't gotten around to putting up links) they're mainly for posting news and progress that isn't big enough for a new topic on these boards 😛

I'll do some updating tonight. Maybe even some new screen shots...


8 new screen shots up. Go (url="http://"")check 'em out(/url).


I am even more impressed Madfax. The Azdaras and Aradas look great! It is a little hard to make out the Azdgari Warships since you zoomed out. Everything looks great. I can't wait to see the finished product. I sent off my registration application earlier so I should be able to play the whole scenario sometime this week. Great job Madfax!

"The heathens are upon us, arm yourselves and go with God."-Paul Benden, Commander of the Purple Sector Fleet


Originally posted by Admiral Benden:
**It is a little hard to make out the Azdgari Warships since you zoomed out.

I did that on purpose. Not because they look bad, but because they look to damn cool 😉



Originally posted by J.Ace21:
**Its a totally different program written in RealBasic. The first build was a non-mp two player game which was interesting to play 🙂


Would you be willing to post that for download? I certainly would play it.

Lead plugin programmer, Corsair Development