Side Firing weapons...

I was wondering if it was possible to have side aiming and mounted weapons on a ship. My idea is it to have a ship armed with large scale energy beam weapons (mainly used for planataty bombardment or targeting large slow moving objects at great distance away). The ship in question will only fire it's main weapons at you when you pass the ship on the side; kinda like the main broadside cannons of a old sailing vessel.


Just give the ship turrets, and turret blind spots to the front and rear. Or make the weapons have blind spots to the front and rear. Either one will work.

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Either way, the weapons would have to be turrents.

Cuz I'm a 21st Century Digital Boy
I don't know the Monty Python but I've got a lotta toys
My daddy is a Renegade, his name is Hellcat Helian
Wait a second...

Yeah... wouldn't really work any other way, no would it? 😄

Arrrrrrr, matey!!!!


Originally posted by 21st Century Digital Boy:
**Either way, the weapons would have to be turrents.

What's a turrent? 🙂

It may be possible to make non-turreted weapons that shoot sideways in Nova, but I have no evidence to back up that statement.

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What about increasing the inaccuracy until it fires sideways?

AOL/IM: IonStorm332
Gameranger: Ion Storm


Originally posted by Matrix:
**What about increasing the inaccuracy until it fires sideways?

Won't work. Inaccuracy just means that it will fire at some angle inbetween the extremes. If, for example, you put in an inaccuracy of 90, the weapon will fire at some random direction within Ä…90 degrees of the front - some shots will still be going forwards.

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What about negative accuracy rates. like -90 would that fire in a 90 degree spectrum behind you?

AOL/IM: IonStorm332
Gameranger: Ion Storm

Try flagging the turret with fore and aft blind spots. It's an oft-ignored 1.0.2 feature.


"Oh crap. I'm going to hell - I put the Bible next to Mein Kampf again."
-Her Holiness, Pope Jenne "Kirby" Hubbs


Originally posted by Matrix:
**What about negative accuracy rates. like -90 would that fire in a 90 degree spectrum behind you?

I dunno - I would think that putting in a negative number would have the same effect as a positive number of equal magnitude, but I've never tried it.

Oh, and one thing to keep in mind about turret blind spots: it doesn't matter what direction the turret is firing, just where the target is relative to you. If you want to actually limit the arc of fire (rather than arc of targeting), use beam weaponry.

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