Quantumire SE is HERE!

Sorry, couldn't resist. April fool's!

(url="http://"http://www.meowx.com")Meowx Design Studios(/url)
Graphics. Games. And more...


Originally posted by Meowx Design:
**Sorry, couldn't resist. April fool's!


OH damn!!! man, and I just got REALLY excited when you said that you've made Quantumeir (sp?) SE. Oh well. April fools to you to. 😄


-author of "Dragerron"
-OotS member
-EVO plug developer, & amateur 3D graphics artist.
-Star Wars fan(atic)

$%^&)#%&....stupid April Fools prank. Frankly, the "EVN is now available" was worse, especially at 6 in the morning.


Heh, I saw right through that one. Meowx doesn't exactly have a shining track record...

Do not mistake wishes for truth.
Visit the (url="http://"http://pub40.ezboard.com/bevoverridediscussionarea")EVO Discussion Area(/url) 'cause I told you to!
Also, check out the (url="http://"http://pub57.ezboard.com/bevnovadiscussionarea")EV Nova Discussion Area(/url)


Originally posted by Eytee:
**$%^ &)#%&....stupid April Fools prank. Frankly, the "EVN is now available" was worse, especially at 6 in the morning.


I guess you have me to blaim for it... HEHEHEHHEE
I thought it would be funny... 😄 😄 😄

Arrrrrrr, matey!!!!

(This message has been edited by Black Beard (edited 04-02-2001).)