ATTN: All EV/O/N/Ares Plug-in Developers

I'm making an updated Directory to cover all ofur games. The reason I'm doing this is the current one is hopelessly outdated. So I would appreciate it if everyone who qualifies would reply with the following info: E-mail address, areas of experties, previous projects(if any), and current prrojects(if any). For graphics developers, mabe some samples of your work. Please respond if this applies to you.

Cuz I'm a 21st Century Digital Boy
I don't know the Monty Python but I've got a lotta toys
My daddy is a Renegade, his name is Hellcat Helian
Wait a second...

type: EVO Plug-In developer


expertise: weäps, öufits, shďps, syst's, spöbs, and dëscs (I write very well), and simple graphics (if you want some samples, then e-mail me and I'll send you some, as I don't have a web site to post them on)

previous projects: numerous and I couldn't get them to run (I was using EV-Edit then)

current project: expansion plug called "Phantom", it works except for missions and I'm slowly getting better with Strata 3D so I'll eventually have all custom made graphics. I'm using ResEdit (with gövt and öufit editors pasted in it), EVOGod, The Docks, Pics2Sprites, Strata 3D, Corel Word Perfect 3.0 (using its graphic editor for target pic editing, original target pic rendered in Strata 3D), ShipWrite1.1.8, & EVO Developers Map

-author of "Dragerron"
-OotS member
-EVO plug developer, & amateur 3D graphics artist.
-Star Wars fan(atic)

-oops, sorry. I accidentally double posted. 80

(This message has been edited by JediBrass (edited 03-26-2001).)

type: EV/N plug developer
expertise:ships, weapons, missions, graphics
previous projects:
Teckktra Plug
Teckktra 2: The Galaxy Falls
Teckktra 3: Zeemajii Rule
Current projects:
The Dark Beyond(EV TC in beta)
Rift(EVN TC just being started. Working on it with MadFax7)

Since my graphics for the Teckktra series sucked, (url="http://"")here's(/url) some examples from The Dark Beyond.

"How do you know that she's a witch?""She turned me into a newt!" "A newt?" "...I got better!"~Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Expertise: EV/O/N plugin writer/developer

Current Projects:
Fission Impossible (EVO TC; Nearing alpha 1)
Dreams Eternal (EVN TC; in planning)

Do not mistake wishes for truth.
Visit the (url="http://"")EVO Discussion Area(/url) 'cause I told you to!

E-mail address:

Areas of expertise: graphics (just about any type used in EV/O), resource creation with ResEdit except for system/planet locations and missions, some descriptions, plot consulting (?), general "hey wouldn't that be cool" concepts

Once I learn how, as I probably will for my projects, I may be able to do sounds.

Previous projects: just small to medium individual projects, none released. Most of them were bug-free in the state they have been left to rot at. 😉

Current projects: War Dawning (TC), Origins (TC), one or two other unnamed TCs. (Bombcat) F-25 graphics remake, D.I.D.

For graphics developers, maybe some samples of your work: (url="http://"") the shipyard is really outdated.

Also, please don't contact me for help creating a plugin/to do graphics/etc...I'm far too busy for even what I've got already. I can't take on any additional projects.


Type: EVO plug developer
expertise: All resource coding (weap, outf, spob, etc.). I can do good descs when I'm in a writing mood.
Previous projects: An unnamed expansion that was never finished or released.
Mac Mania

I was working on Shatters, but it sort of disappeared...

Uses: Shipwrite, Mission Control, Resedit (w/ TMPL's, R&R;'s editors, and cool little icons), EVO Dev map, Plug Checker, EVOrganizer. Planning to use EVO God, but waiting for something to use it on. We've been doing ships and outf's and the universe in mac mania, and so i use other progs. I just play around with evo god for now.

Is the answer to this question 'no'?
Chaos to the enemies of the Azdgari

Type: One who can do it all...


Expertise: Graphics 2D/3D, Sound, Writing, Can Code ALL ResEdit plug-in Resources (missions, ships, outfits, etc...), concepts, consulting, opinions...whatever...

Previous Projects: Worked on Galactic Federation w/ Maridian, Mille Terrae, and numerous other graphical works.

Current Projects: (url="http://"")EVO: Star Trek(/url) (TC), EVO/N Annihilation (TC), Ambush of Gadzair (Expansion)...

Well, I can do it all, pretty much... depending on how lazy I'm feeling. I was the graphics designer for Galactic Federation but the project was cancelled by Maridian. I did 1 sound set and 3 graphic sets for 3 races in Mille Terrae, which is still in production. My own stuff is floating between my busy days...

NOTE: I am not able to assist in any plugs beyond giving my expert opnion and diagnosis. I don't do "free" graphics anymore, since people seem to be very rude when making the request. What I can do is, maybe generate a few "free" weapon sounds, or as mentioned before, do some plug testing. My own stuff is enough to ocupy me...=)

PEACE YO! still Immortal...

Damon: An Immortal! Hahaha...there are things worse than DEATH!
Kwanza: bang...bang
If you're one in a million, then there are 1000 people just like you in China.
(url="http://"")Kwanzasoft Graphics and Design(/url)

(This message has been edited by Kwanzar (edited 03-26-2001).)

Type: EVO/N and Ares Developer
E-mail: (url="http://"")

I love it how you are all EVN developers. It's amazing how many people seem to be on the development team that I don't know... 😛

Cookie @ ATMOS


Ok, when I have all the information I'll e-mail yours to each of you to make sure it is correct. The directory will be hosted on the Slugsoft website, and I'll proably be e-mailing everyone every 6 months or so to update the information. Sound good to everyone?

Cuz I'm a 21st Century Digital Boy
I don't know the Monty Python but I've got a lotta toys
My daddy is a Renegade, his name is Hellcat Helian
Wait a second...


Originally posted by Frandall:
**I love it how you are all EVN developers. It's amazing how many people seem to be on the development team that I don't know...:p

Cookie @ ATMOS

heh, good one. but you know what we mean...


web site:(url="http://"")Type11 Dezign(/url)
areas of experties: Graphics
previous projects: a couple small plugs for my own use
current prrojects: Ziggadon (EVO TC), as yet un-named EV TC.
samples: (url="http://"")Destroyer(/url) for the EVO TC, (url="http://"")Light cruiser(/url) for an EV add-on.

My (url="http://"")website(/url)
(url="http://"")Gathering Of Ship Developers Web Board(/url)
"Keep your eye open"

(This message has been edited by Type11 (edited 03-27-2001).)

Expertise: OK at anything but graphics
Previous Projects: A small plug-in that never was released
Current project: Ziggadon (EVO TC)

I didn't know you were doing another plug-in Type11. 🙂 If I did, I would have been less demanding of you when I wanted my graphics.

G4, the faster computer.
(url="http://"")The Ziggadon Plug-in Web Site(/url) is growing, comments needed.

Type:EVO developer
Status: Getting elected to parliament, ergo not very active
Examples of previous work: two small plugins, Frozen Heart and Femme Fatale
Current projects: FH2, Flight of the Eagle, Plague at the end of Time
Expertise: not really

M A R T I N • T U R N E R


Originally posted by 21st Century Digital Boy:
**Ok, when I have all the information I'll e-mail yours to each of you to make sure it is correct. The directory will be hosted on the Slugsoft website, and I'll proably be e-mailing everyone every 6 months or so to update the information. Sound good to everyone?

Yeah, sure (my post is on the EVO board post).

"Well, we could grind
our enemies into powder, but gosh, we did that yesterday."


Originally posted by Martin Turner:
**Expertise: not really

I'll have none of that! You are the single most innovative plugin maker in the entire EV community. 'Expertise: not really' indeed. 😛

You pushed the boundaries back in so many ways with the plugins you have done, probably more than just about everyone else put together. Enough with the false modesty already!

Cookie @ ATMOS


type: ev/evo developer


expertise: mostly ship graphics, maybe outfit graphics

examples of previous work: EV Graphics (can be found on the EVO utilities page) but that's only simple work, I can do better than that... mail for examples, I have no homepage

current projects: nothing really, just getting deeper into Cinema 4d and Bryce 3d

Type: EV/O, Ares
email or
expertise: creating story lines, programming on EVO, hate EV programming. Umm Planet Graphics, I am decent with ship/outfit graphics but I need a better 3d program, I am getting a better computer soon so I will tell you when I get the program. And I am pretty good with photoshop as well. Hey Weepul on that link you posted I was wondering how you took off the phone lines from the picture in the Ilovepshop.jpg pict. I am currently trying to do that exact same thing for a project, and I haven't come out with any results as clear as yours.
previous projects: many but 0 were published. One just shut down because the graphic guy was an ***hole and the leader stopped it all. And the rest were independent ones I made with EV Editor that I had to scrap when they got jacked up.
current project: 2 ares plug-ins(wating for the newest beta of Hera it won't load my graphics correctly), and 1 for EVO (name to be disclosed later, when the whole plug-in is disclosed)
All my samples are going into the plug-ins and are therefore not for your eyes just yet.

AOL/IM: IonStorm332
Gameranger: Ion Storm