
I need ideas for a plugin that I plan to write for Evo any ideas? Feel free to share them!


How about expanding upon some of the major storylines already set up? How about exploring the Council blockade of the crescent (you know that space station near Adzgari?). Or you could expand the nebula penetration device missions. You could also explore past the asteroid belt, you might have to take care of the renegade problem first though. You could try to expand the crescent war missions, good luck though, that would be a mess. If you are looking for something smaller about the only thing I can come up with is attacking the renegades, unless you are the renegades in which case it would be the opposite. Is that enough? Just think about all the different things EVO already set up.

Check out "Random Plug-in Ideas" and "Plug-in Ideas?" on the EVO Web board. There's a bunch there.

- Captain Stud Beefpile
- UE Naval 238th Squadron
- Azdgari Squadron "Firebird" Leader
- Member of the Zacha Renegade Elimination Corporation


Originally posted by alexzander13:
**I need ideas for a plugin that I plan to write for Evo any ideas? Feel free to share them!


Do you want a total conversion (completely replaces the game), or an expansion (adds something to the existing game)?

If it's an expansion than consider Argyre's idea's. Other thought are: a new race of aliens that come intent on destroying the humans/miranu. They team up with the Voinians and are insanely powerful.

If it's a TC than I don't have a huge number of idea's (all the ideas I have I'm either making, or going to make :p). Maybe: A game full of Space Turtles! (okay, maybe it sounds a little stupid, but it would be something completely different!)(in fact if nobody uses it in a few months I'll do it after my other projects are done and summer is around).

"Well, we could grind
our enemies into powder, but gosh, we did that yesterday."

TC's are really cool (I'm in the middle of playing FROZEN HEART right now, then I'm moving on to FEMME FATALE). But expansions are pretty damn cool too. My plug that I'm working on, TENLOSS, is an expansion, which is pretty cool. Maybe you should do an expansion right now and work on a TC later. That's my suggestion.



Originally posted by Platypus:
**TC's are really cool (I'm in the middle of playing FROZEN HEART right now, then I'm moving on to FEMME FATALE). But expansions are pretty damn cool too. My plug that I'm working on, TENLOSS, is an expansion, which is pretty cool. Maybe you should do an expansion right now and work on a TC later. That's my suggestion.


That's a good idea, TCs are a lot more time and effort than expansions, the only problem in expansions is keeping resources from conflicting.

"Well, we could grind
our enemies into powder, but gosh, we did that yesterday."

(This message has been edited by diddlysquat (edited 03-16-2001).)