World flags

Teraknorn has some World Flags.
Does anyone have some information about what they do?

Measuring energy in kilowatt-hours is as stupid as measuring distance in knot-seconds.

No clue, but I suggest you don't screw with it, or ferazel might take over your computer or something


Hmm...well let me make a list just because I like making lists...
()Level Info fields are stored in the Mlvl resource. On opening Mlvl resources up there is a bunch of code, so I'm guessing its something in there.
)There is a Mwld so I'm asuming the data in world info fields are stored there.
()There are many defunct features in MASCOT.
)There could be a gazillion things the info fields control.
(*)The Flag/Info fields are aranged in the same way for Level and World.

(*)Ben could have decided to move the info fields over to each level and never removed the world junk.

()The info fields in world edit the same in level.
)The first info field is filled with a "2" in Ben's level. What does that two do? Answer to this question, should answer many more.
(*)What are flags (level or world)? Are they related to Perm Flags? They don't seem to be used in Ben's Levels.

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