Plug-in Auditor

I just heard about a program called Plug-in Auditor. It checks all the ID numbers and stuff. Does anyone know where I can download it? 😕 Please tell me!!!!

I have a plug-in that I am working on that has an error-EV won't start. If you want to try my plug or if you think you can find the problem, PLEASE e-mail me at
Website coming soon (translation: a very long time from now)

EV Plug-in Auditor is meant to be used when you are trying to play more than one plug at a time. It checks to see if the multiple plugs alter the same EV resource, which can cause crashes and other unwanted problems. If that's what you want, you can download it by clicking (url="http://"")here(/url).

But if you want a tool to help you with the situation in your sig— "I have a plug-in that I am working on that has an error-EV won't start" —then what you want is EV Plug Checker. That program checks EV plugs pretty thoroughly and detects many of the most common errors people make in writing plugs. If that's what you want, you can download it by clicking (url="http://";=PlugChecker116.sit.hqx")here(/url).

If your plug is crashing EV as you try to start the game, either the plug is so huge that you need to increase the amount of memory allocated to EV, or (more likely) you've made an error somewhere in your spďn resource. That happens a lot.

not drowning, waving

(This message has been edited by PlanetPhil (edited 02-07-2001).)