ATTN: Star Wars ANR/ EVO/ STW2

I have been lying low ever since the EVO site split up 'bout 2 years, and I loved the starwars plug. I would like to start updating the plugin, and make some improvments. I would like to hear from anyone who did any of the plugins, and if they would alow me to make changes/ updates. I wish to continue the story, and work on the plug, updating it from time to time. The biggest project I would like to do is to recreate the star wars plug for the upcoming EV: Nova engine, but i would need lots of people to help me on that. Please forword any info regarding any of the requests above to this thread, or to me directly in my e-mail in anti spam format.
jhtrih at mac dot com

Thanx All,
Chris Holmes

The NSA is watching...
de mortuis nil nisi bonum
jhtrih is known only as jhtrih...