Resource Trade

I'm hoping to start this thread as a place for colaboration on plug-ins. Whatever your specialty, you can offer it it up here, and ask for somehting else in return. I'll start.

I have: way too many landscapes (unless I am going to create 100+ spobs).
I would like: Ship graphics (preferably a theme), weapon graphics, or interesting pers or flet resources (using all original EV ships)
Incentive: I could, if properly persuade, throw in some spob graphics (the planets themsleves)

Let the trading begin!

Hmmm....while this is an interesting idea, most plugin designers would prefer that the resources in their plugins remain unique to their plugins. Unless I'm missing the point, this wouldn't maintain that...

Additionally, I can assume I'm like most plugin designers: swamped. Landscape- and planet-wise, I need just about everything I make, and I (for the most part, and exclusively for themed sets) only make ships/weapons/outfits for specific things for my plugins.

Otherwise, your idea sounds good, but it might already exist in the form of shipyards, landscapeyards (?) etc.


The idea I have is that I have EXCESS that I would like to trade - these would never appear in my plug-in. In other words, I created lost of good landscapes, then sifted though and matched ones to planets I will use and such - the excess I can trade. Any particular style?

Long Live the Free Argents!

I am interested in new landscapes for use in Mille Terrae.

I can make spöbs, but not ships. Trust me, your landscapes will be found good homes amoung the Maltherane and Histaaki.

"We ought to make the Pi higher!" -George W. Bush **
(url="http://"")#EV3 QUOTE ARCHIVE (/url)**

(This message has been edited by OctoberFost (edited 01-18-2001).)

Oh, and I could probably pursuade another Mille Terrae team member to make some ships for you, if you really want to trade.

"We ought to make the Pi higher!" -George W. Bush **
(url="http://"")#EV3 QUOTE ARCHIVE (/url)**

Well, I'll probably be done formatting all the landscapes (basic stuff, cropping, maybe some quality fixes, conversion to pict resources) in a day or two, and it might take me another day or so to figure out which ones I am going to use in my plug, and I'll send the rest off to you!

P.S. I'll probably just E-mail you with the picts as an attatchment, but my webpage (or at least my EV webpage) may be up by that time. Exam break is upon me, so I will devote as much time as I can to getting the site up and running (study? That's for mere mortals!).

Master of too many webpages (11 and counting - some didn't even make it past my hard drive)

Long Live the Free Argents!

Sorry about the long reply - although studying for exams takes up no time, writing them actually does sigh. Is there any particular types of landscape you'd like? (I've got some made with bryce, others that look a little more realistic, and some that are just plain off the map.)

Long Live the Free Argents!