
I'm about to develop a new plugin. I was a Windows programmer, but have recently discovered the greater powers of mac, especially in escape velocity. I have no problems with creating missions or any of that stuff. I just need to know what I should use for a graphics program. I'm not interested in spending a whole bunch of money for a high end graphics program for my G4. All I want is something nice and easy to use.

I'm wondering what kind of software I should use for

1)Making a ship PICT

2)Turning that into a sprite usable by escape velocity using ResEdit.

This is probably a stupid question to most of you, but I'm new to the macintosh world.

May aliens yet rule the galaxy?

I use Strata 3D to make ships, the free version of which can be downloaded at:
and Make Spin to make the spites, I don't know where you can download it from though.

My (url="http://"")website(/url)
(url="http://"")Gathering Of Ship Developers Web Board(/url)
"Last night as I lay in bed looking at the stars I thought, where the hell is the ceiling?"

you can get MakeSpin from the EV add-ons page

"We ought to make the Pi higher!" -George W. Bush **
(url="http://"")#EV3 QUOTE ARCHIVE (/url)**