I drew these great pictures (not to brag)

I decided to make my first EV plug. The problem is, I don't know how! I don't even know how to do graphic design! Does this involve programming? I don't know how to program either. I've heard of ResEdit, but I can never find a place to get it in my computer. I can draw though (shading, 3-D drawing, translucency, etc.) but, I'm not as good as other people I know. I already drew about 10 different ships from the companies from EV. I only did Aerostar (clipper) and Allied Shipyards (light and bulk freighter). I'm still working on Astrotech Space Industries (Manta). You wanna see them? Sorry. I don't even know how to get pictures from my computer onto the internet to post it here...
Anyway, can anyone help me make a plug? E-mail me: itemplar@excite.com (or just click on that e-mail button above this post)

I have lower-abdominal conjugating epidermical distinction paralysisical oogla-mangadal biosophical calvision muscular defragment. (cramps)

(This message has been edited by Udekozatul (edited 01-10-2001).)

If you have EVO 1.0.2, check out the folder called Plugin Developers. One thing you can do, is learn how to post your artwork for your ships (make sure they are the right size and format--this info should be available in that folder or maybe some here on the boards can help) or landing pics (333x271 pixels at 72 ppi in 256 colors) and then put them on your website (you need to learn how to make a website). After that, list your site under graphics on the EV/O links web pages here.

Also, you can post one of your pics at the EV Image Gallery forum. Read the instructions there first, especially about making a thumbnail.

Anyway, maybe someone will use you pics in their plug-in if they see them at your site. Not everyone knows how to do everything here. Some people only program, some write missions, and some do artwork. If you share your pictures with others (ask to be credited in the plug-in) then you will be contributing to making a plug-in, even if you don't do all the work yourself.

Good luck!


I'm currently developing a new plug-in with a brand new government, and I'd be interested in someone to do graphics. The government is called the Argent, and thei ships would look a lot like the civilian ships in EV, (argosy, light freighter, courier) but with yellow as a primary highlight and green as a secondary. If you want, you can e-mail me at quantam@freeze.com and attatch some of your work (as a .jpeg or .pict file), and if it's good, I might just include it in my plug-in!

Long Live the Free Argents!