Flak Cannon

Is it possible to make a single weapon in EVO that fires several shots at once, like a flak cannon?


Nope. But if you want several shots at once (more of a shotgun effect than a flak cannon) you can certainly do that. Just not with one weapon - this is only a problem if you don't want the player to be able to customize just how many shots they get from their guns.


(Insert Signature Here)

(drumroll)or...(/drumroll) (cymballcrash)you could wait and work with evn(/cymballcrash)

sorry, shamelessy plugging something that hasn't come out yet. i sound like someone with a minor idea for a plug that they want to convert to a tc, and now are talking all about it to get someone to do the work for them. 😉

"In the deepest, darkest recesses of your soul, there I reside."-me on a bad day

well. you could give the weapon a fast reload rate and make the inaccuracy something pretty high. thats what i did in a small plug...


It's also possible to simulate such a weapon visually by using sprites with multiple bolts. For instance if pressing the fire button releases a single shot sprite that looks like three (or more, whatever) laser bolts, it will seem to have a spread fire while still only using one weapon slot.

Jon Potter
Thank you for your cooperation. Good night.

For example, the Stationary gun turrets in Frozen Heart.

Is the answer to this question 'no'?

i remember seeing something like that in another plug. except it changed the exposion graphics so that it looked like it was exploding several times


There is already a flak plug-in for EV or EVO (im not sure which) Why don't you Download it and dissect it?

To see my plug-ins, or
for updates, go to


Originally posted by REDchigh:
**There is already a flak plug-in for EV or EVO (im not sure which) Why don't you Download it and dissect it?


cause some devs don't like that. some even edit the temp so that when you try to open something it displays a threat 🙂
