EVArena:HelianWars Progress Log


Originally posted by Tycho:
**the Necromicon: g isn't really anything. It's just one of those internet things.


Ah. I see.

Hip Hop Recomendation of the week: Commen - Like water from Chocolate

(url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/cgi-bin/ubb/newsdisplay.cgi?action=topics&number;=20&forum;=*EV/EVO+chronicles&DaysPrune;=25&article;=000024&startpoint;=")The Tides of War(/url)

tycho: that's the point. the sprite surface won't let the events of the socket fire while it hasn't been threaded.

actually it worked somehow... the problem is that only onne ship was moved... working on it... tomorrow. ok?


live and let die...

(This message has been edited by sebek.du.law (edited 09-16-2000).)


Originally posted by sebek.du.law:
**tycho: that's the point. the sprite surface won't let the events of the socket fire while it hasn't been threaded.

actually it worked somehow... the problem is that only onne ship was moved... working on it... tomorrow. ok?



Ok, but I think we need to thingamagic to the whatsitcalled. 🙂

Hip Hop Recomendation of the week: Busta Rhymes - Extinction Level Event
(url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/cgi-bin/ubb/newsdisplay.cgi?action=topics&number;=20&forum;=*EV/EVO+chronicles&DaysPrune;=25&article;=000024&startpoint;=")The Tides of War(/url)
(url="http://"http://pages.hotbot.com/games/ambjorn/index.html")1000 Worlds(/url)

the Necromicon: Yes, I agree.

Sebek: hmmm, I never really liked threads. I'm not sure why. Seems like bad coding or something. But if it works, noone's the wiser! Muhahahhaha.


Where the Hell's my roof?

OK, everyone else seems to know where to get 27+ of client/server, so WHERE THE @%$$* ARE THEY???
(did i just write that?) 😄
i've already gone to sebek/down.html but it just has 24.
someone help me? :frown:

OK, everyone else seems to know where to get 27+ of client/server, so WHERE THE @%$$* ARE THEY???
(did i just write that?) 😄
i've already gone to sebek/down.html but it just has 24.
someone help me? :frown:

Noone has release 27 because it doesn't exist yet.


Where the Hell's my roof?


Originally posted by Tycho:
**Noone has release 27 because it doesn't exist yet.

g yo! got some bad news and some good news:

the bad news: dr27 will never come! never ever! Muahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

the good news: you can get dr25 (url="http://"http://homepage.mac.com/sebek/all.sit")http://homepage.mac.com/sebek/all.sit(/url)

lol, sebek

live and let die...

(This message has been edited by sebek.du.law (edited 09-26-2000).)

Will this one ctually unstuff?


it should actually

live and let die...

Re: DR25/18

Very cool! Good idea to have the server transaction log to see what stuff is getting to the server. Crash to MacsBug when the 5 minute evaluation timeout closed the client.

That's a wicked Server station graphic. Did you do that yourself?

The arena animation is choppy on a G4/450, but hey it's early days yet! Starfield background seems too dense, but I'm used to EV. I miss the down arrow (reverse direction for braking).

Way to go!

PS. Have you thought of getting OS X beta to run the Server on? Should help the threading performance.

Heh. Never knew what I was missing. I know now though. 😃 very late, am dling dr 25.

And so the problem remained; lots of people were mean, and most of them were miserable, even the ones with digital watches. Many were increasingly of the opinion that they had all made a big mistake in coming down from the trees in the first place. And some said that the trees had been a bad move and that no one should ever have left the oceans.

Ok, so who's hosting a server for it?

(url="http://"http://CelticStarbase.tsx.org")http://CelticStarbase.tsx.org(/url) (url="http://"mailto:webmaster@CelticStarbase.com")mailto:webmaster@CelticStarbase.com(/url)webmaster@CelticStarbase.com

a OS X would be very good so that i can test a EV like game in X

Captain Orne

Just so happens I have a dedicated osX server(public beta) sitting right next to me. It's doing nothing except downloading my mail every five minutes.

Build a carbon copy, sebek, and I'll run it here.


Where the Hell's my roof?

so tycho! now tell me: how do i build carbon without a registered copy of RB3?


live and let die...

I don't understand most of what your talking about, but I have figured out one thing: you are working on a multi-player EV, and I can't wait. I hope you make enough of a big deal about its release when you finish it.

Herodotus: The Histories
"If an important decision is to be made, they discuss the question when they are drunk, and the following day when they are sober reconsider it. If they agree, it is made law. Conversley, any decision they make when they are sober, is reconsidered when they are drunk."
Sounds like good government.

hmmm, good point, sebek.
You could nah.How about you that wouldn't work either. Then you should DAMN!!

Umm, I have no idea.

AH-HAH!!! The server isn't RB3 reliant is it?! If not, you could build it in RB2 and we would just have to settle for it running in Classic. But that's what you've already done isn't it. Well I guess I just run that on an old G4 lying around here. HAng on! Old G4's!! Lying around!!!! I'm sure noone would mind if I borrowed one for a very long time. It's not like anyone uses them. I wonder why not. Ahhhh, they have no hard drives or ram!!

But anyway. Do you want me to run the server continually? I'm guessing yes. I'll get it running on Monday. The IP will be


Where the Hell's my roof?

ok the server is rb 2 reliant. that means it can be run from rb2 and 3. if you want it to e run via carbon download dth carbon version and run it fro the ide. tough i won't give you the lastest source (not yet) of the server you'll have to download dr18 and use this one under classic.


live and let die...