Please help me!!!!!

I am 13 years old. I got my own iMac for christmas. Scnce it is in my room and its mine I can be on as long as I want. I've been playing EV scnce it first came out. I have 4 brothers so on the family comp I didnt have time to make plugs, I just downloaded them and played them. Now that I have my own comp I have the time to make plugs ๐Ÿ™‚ So if anyone can I need a list of Programs the good plug makers use so I can download them and start making them. Also I need to know where I can download a guide to plug-in making because I have no idea what mission bits,etc are. Thank you for your time ๐Ÿ™‚

p.s. I want the guide to be in Engulish so I can understand it, i'm only 13 so reading the EV Bible is a challenge ๐Ÿ™‚

(quote)Originally posted by Electricdeath:
**I am 13 years old. I got my own iMac for christmas. Scnce it is in my room and its mine I can be on as long as I want. I've been playing EV scnce it first came out. I have 4 brothers so on the family comp I didnt have time to make plugs, I just downloaded them and played them. Now that I have my own comp I have the time to make plugs:)

(quote)Originally posted by Electricdeath:
**BUY THE WAY: I want this to be for EV!!! NOT EVO:D

have fun...

your servant,
wishing you a lot of fun,



Originally posted by Sarcas:
**i don't see why... ???


  1. You'll need resedit and the EV Bible (annotated edition, preferably).
  2. You should read the plug-in developer faq
  3. Read the developer's board frequently
  4. Lots of luck and lots of time ๐Ÿ˜„

have fun...

your servant,
wishing you a lot of fun,


Is there anything else besides resedit and the EVbible that I would need?

well, you might want ev-edit. it will do the same stuff as resedit, but it is kinda buggy and messed up. but then again it is easier to use, so if your new to plug making, ev-edit will probably be better.

there are other programs that you will want: im not a plugin dev, so I have no first hand knowlege, but shipwright, mission control, and maybe a few plugs to use as models may be a good tool too...

I know there is a galaxy making program out there... whats it called?

-Capt'n Hector

"I'm getting out of this place alive even if it kills me!"

NOOOOOO!!! Not EV Edit! EV Edit has a reputation as a plug-in eater. These are the must-have development tools:

  • ResEdit

  • EV Bible

  • EV Developer's Map

  • EV Formula Calc (For use with ResEdit)

  • Schmelta-V

All of these files are available on the EV Add-ons page.

If you want to work with EVO (I highly recommend it. EVO raises the limits for absolutely everything, allowing you to make larger, more advanced plugs), you have even more tools at your disposal. Including ResEdit, you have:

  • EVO Bible

  • ShipWrite

  • Mission Control

  • R&R;'s oรผtf and gรถvt ResEdit templates (These things REALLY make life easier)

  • EVO Developer's Map

  • EVO Formula Calc

Again, most of these can be had through the EVO Add-ons page.

PS: If you're hell-bent on EV, go to the Unofficial EV Webboard (The link's in my sig). It's in desperate need of members.

Those who are blinded by the light shall stumble in the darkness...
Visit the (url="http://"")Unofficial EV Webboard(/url)!
(url="http://" &default;=")USE ME, DAMNIT!!!(/url)

(This message has been edited by goomeister (edited 12-26-2000).)

u use ezboard too:0) All my boards are in pub1

you forgot the EV Formula Calc ๐Ÿ˜‰

a meteor, a momentary flare of brilliance.. like all life, Nothing really, in the sweep of time. But everything in the Force.

Note to all:

For the bibles, the annotated edition is nice, but I use it in conjunction with the PdF one when I need to, as the PDF one contains more info.

I probably should put some witty remark here. But I won't.