Any help here would be hot!

I need help with my plug, could someone do the galaxy for me? Bubaganoosh, you weere advised to me by Type11.

G4, the faster computer.
E-mail me for a teaser of my upcoming plug.

Perhaps giving some basic info would help:

Is it an addition, continuation, or total conversion?
Is it for EV, EVO, or EVN?
What size of galaxy are you looking for?
What's the basic story?
How much work has been done so far?
How much experience do you have in making plugs?
(or: what are the chances of this plug being finished?)

In case you don't have it yet: there is a really cool utility called EVO Developers Map. It was written by a guy named Pontus and it is available on the Ambrosia's EVO Utility page. I wish you good luck with your plug.

your servant,
working on a tc with a rather cool galaxy himself,

(This message has been edited by Sarcas (edited 12-27-2000).)

There is also an EV developers map for Escape Velocity(at least I think). It can make making the coordinates a lot easier.

King? King? And which king might that be? King Richard? King Louie? King Kong? Larry King?

TC, EVO, big, hard to explain, lot of graphics a bit of the galaxy, I made a small pulg-in called Mars Colony, but it was never realised... and yes, I have got EVO Dev Map, I helped Pontus gather the data for what people want with v 1.2 😛

G4, the faster computer.
E-mail me for a teaser of my upcoming plug.