mďsn formulas

EV Formula Calc won't let me do high mďsn IDs.

So what is the formula for figuring the dësc IDs out?

OctoberFost: Spoiling your fun, one post at a time.
AIM-OctoberFost (b)

Read the bible, boy. 🙂

Anyway, the pickup lines should with desc id 4000 with mission 128. The others you set in the mission, but you should use 5000's for additional information. 6000's for the mission summaries, ie when you hit i during the game to see your missions. 7000's and 8000 for travel stells, you could put this all into one 7000 block, since each mission can only have one travel stel. 9000 is completion messages. Basically for each mission put the mission id number and subtract 1 and add 4000 5000 6000 etc... for what ever description you are doing.


I hope the FAQ maintainers are taking notes...

OctoberFost: Spoiling your fun, one post at a time.
AIM-OctoberFost (b)

Mission Control can probably handle it.

"Love is being stupid together." - Paul Valery (1871 - 1945)
AIM: ColdFusion117