Bryce ship: finished

I wish i did. What i would suggest though is rendering the rod slightly transparently, and perhaps with a color that sort of waves from darker to lighter. But i would definately make it more transparent though, something behind the laser might help make that show up better. I can't fit ps on my hd without deleting a lot of stuff i want to keep. Dang 1/4 gig drive. I need a new computer...

"That's my main man mayonnaise!!” - Snoop Dog as a guest on Loveline.
(url="http://"")The New Website!(/url) ...which isn't up yet! damn CGI!</sarcastic enjoyment>

(This message has been edited by Jol'Jvik (edited 11-23-2000).)


Originally posted by Capt'n Hector:
**ya I tried to find a photoshop filter that would make it more like a lazer and less like a shiny plastic rod... but I could'nt find one. Jol'Jvik, do you know of any ps filters that would make a good lazer?

How about Knoll Lens Flare Pro or KPT 5.0.


I don't know any photoshop filters, but (you're going to hate this) if you download a texture set called "Lightning" (don't know where I found it, try searching for "Bryce 3D" online) and apply that to your lasers, it works really well. (Of course, then you have to render it again... : )


I LOVE that ship. It looks great. Good work.

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If a tree falls in a forest,and no ones around to hear it, does it make a sound?

Have you downloaded the new Bryce patch that lets you put stars in the sky or did you use photoshop or a paint program to do that? Also, care to give us basic instructions on how to create cool stuff like your ships using Bryce?



Originally posted by Jude:
**Have you downloaded the new Bryce patch that lets you put stars in the sky or did you use photoshop or a paint program to do that? Also, care to give us basic instructions on how to create cool stuff like your ships using Bryce?


well, I made the stars with a few inf. planes set behind everything with a texture I picked up somewhere. il post it sometime. humm instructions..... ya. il do that later too. 🙂

-Capt'n Hector

"I'm getting out of this place alive even if it kills me!"