Image Program

Can anyone help?
1. I have made a ship and in EVO when I turn it some angles the mask moves to the right some taking some of the left side of ship off and adding some black shadow one the right any help why? (url="http://"")Click here to download the plug with it in(49kb)(/url)

2. ADoes anyone know a quick way of rendering 36 picts in Strata 3D ( I spent 20 mins doing it for one ship)

Thanks for any help.

Dead or alive I'm getting out one way.

I downloaded it and I think the problem is that your ship is too big. Try cutting down the size a little and then it should work. If it doesn't I'll look at it again. (I think max size is 128 pixels??)

"To the death!"
"No! To the pain!!"


Originally posted by StarKnight:
**I have made a ship and in EVO when I turn it some angles the mask moves to the right some taking some of the left side of ship off and adding some black shadow one the right any help why?

My goodness, it's huge! I don't know why people are making their ships so big these days. Why, in my day, we thought 96x96 was big! (We had smaller monitors back then, I guess... ;))

Anyways, there are two potential problems:

  1. Both your sprites and your masks appear to be in 32-bit color, which, aside from making your plug bigger than it needs to be, makes your ship do strange things in the game.

  2. The ship is 140x130 which is not, I believe, a regulation size :D. I don't know if sprites have to be square these days (the Corvette wasn't in EV 1.02, if you recall...) but they certainly have to be multiples of 8.

I would suggest rerendering it at 120x120 (if it must be that big ;)) and fixing the color; then, I believe, all your problems will disappear.

(This message has been edited by Squibix (edited 11-30-2000).)