How to cast spells?

I must've missed something. How do you cast spells with the conjurer?



Originally posted by kingpin68:
**I must've missed something. How do you cast spells with the conjurer?

Press "c". You'll find more details in the Trinity manual.

Dee Brown
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Use the "v" button to access your spells, and "c" to cast. I've noticed that if I hold the "c" button down and click on a monster, it uses all my MP in a single shot (from 102MP to 3MP). Anyone else notice this? Conjurers are ok, but they take way too much maintanance. A sword and shield, and the swordsman is ready, but my Conjurer has to keep getting those dang magic potions. It would be nice if he regenerated MP when he's not busy using them all up in one single fiery arrow :o(