The Coldstone game creation tool

While I realize this isn't directly related to EV/EVO/EV3, I though you folks who have the interest and talent to make plugins for EV* might be interested in Coldstone as well. Any kind of role playing-style game can be made with it, not just "fantasy"-type games. Here's some more info.


Coldstone is a role playing game construction kit that offers unprecedented power and ease of use, allowing you to create professional, stand-alone games that are limited only by your imagination. Unhindered by the complex details that Coldstone handles for you, your fantasy world will spring to life as quickly as you can dream it up.

For more info on Coldstone, please read the Coldstone FAQ:

(url="http://";=51&SUBMIT;=Go")http://www.AmbrosiaS...mber=51&SUBMIT= Go://;= Go://;= Go(/url)

You can also check out some cool screenshots from Coldstone at:


...and check the development progress log at:


...and of course, there's a web board for discussing Coldstone as well:


Andrew Welch / el Presidente / Ambrosia Software, Inc.

Believe me this is a very cool programme. Artists will finally be able to create their games without having to bury there head in a 3238938 page book entitled Learn C++ in a Way That Will Emotionaly and Physically Drain You :). If your a crappy artist, then who cares! There's gonna be loads of freebies on the Coldstone site. I did a bit of URL digging and found the unfinished site. I've already submitted about 400-500 Character and NPC sprites.

(url="http://"")1000 Worlds(/url)
(url="http://"")The Tides of War(/url)
(url="http://"")The Original Hip-Hop Lyrics Archive(/url)
Hip Hop Recomendation of the week: Canibus - 2000BC

(This message has been edited by the Necromicon (edited 10-15-2000).)

bleh, C++ sucks, learn C, or if you really must use OOP learn Objective C ;). Anyway, in my opinion C is easy, I've never tried C++ much. The only problem you'll face is learning the 5000+ toolbox calls 🙂

Fortunately, the functions are easy to remember, eg,
Boolean WaitNextEvent (EventMask eventMask, EventRecord *theEvent, UInt32 sleep, RgnHandle mouseRgn)
Now, guess what that does?


No matter, I found it.


I geuss Andrew's gonna have to finish the site qucikly now isn't he. 🙂

(url="http://"")1000 Worlds(/url)
(url="http://"")The Tides of War(/url)
(url="http://"")The Original Hip-Hop Lyrics Archive(/url)
Hip Hop Recomendation of the week: Canibus - 2000BC


Originally posted by the Necromicon:
**I geuss Andrew's gonna have to finish the site qucikly now isn't he.:)


Nope. Everything is finished, it just isn't polished in terms of the final graphics, and some of the information is subject to change (price, description, etc.). Everything there should work fine -- and I can simply restrict access to it if you guys decide to start spamming it or doing something otherwise silly.

Andrew Welch / el Presidente / Ambrosia Software, Inc.

(This message has been edited by andrew (edited 10-15-2000).)

i want coldstone! 🙂

(url="http://"")Harzius Productions(/url)
(url="http://"")Iced Earth(/url)

ColdStone might be another big Ambrosia success, keep working on it, looks nice.

Captain Orne

just can't WAIT! 😉


EV3, Deimos Rising, and now Coldston(I'm not really looking forward to Pop-pop)!!!! 😉



Originally posted by J.Ace21:
EV3, Deimos Rising, and now Coldston(I'm not really looking forward to Pop-pop)!!!! 😉


how about ragnarok?

Captain Orne


Originally posted by Captain Orne:
**how about ragnarok?


Me! me! me! I want it baaaaaaad......

(url="http://"")1000 Worlds(/url)
(url="http://"")The Tides of War(/url)
(url="http://"")The Original Hip-Hop Lyrics Archive(/url)
Hip Hop Recomendation of the week: Canibus - 2000BC

Hmm, one of my posts got deleted.
