What is a good number of fighters for a ship?

carried ships really depends on how you want your plug to work. if you base it more on the ev universe, in which cruisers were almost carriers, the distribution of fighters gets kinda screwed up. i tend to base mine more on fairly early warships: cruisers carry up to 2 fighters, carriers have an array (i usually have 8 or 12 light fighters and 4 or 6 heavy fighters/bombers), and nobody else has fighters. but max fighters per ship doesn't really matter b/c you can't limit them differently for each ship. one way around this is to make the fighters take up space. dunno, hope i've at least given some ideas that help

if tin whistles are made of tin, what's a fog horn made of?

Well, as they say in Japan "Ten men-ten colors". I don't really like figters, unless I'm piloting one. And I don't think they are worthless (that's probably the reason I don't like them). You have 20 fighters and then you've got nothing to do, just wait for them to come back after killing everything in the system.



Originally posted by nighthawk:
**but max fighters per ship doesn't really matter b/c you can't limit them differently for each ship. one way around this is to make the fighters take up space.

Unfortunately, that doesn't work. Specifically, all you have to do is take off, launch fighters, land, and presto! The fighters no longer take up space, so you can buy more, take off, recall all your fighters and keep going, having neatly bypassed the space limitation. Annoying, isn't it?

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Originally posted by DeAdBoY:
**your G3 is messed then... my 233 iMac had no problem in the SW plug, and those ships were filling the system with fighters. oh well...:p

I don't slow down, the AI does. I can just drift past a group of fighters, and they don't get around to realizing I'm in range until I'm gone. That, in my opinion, is just as bad as the game slowing down entirely.

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Well as to how I want my plug to work wheter it is like evo where carriers are close to cruisers, its a little bit of both. Some governments have a defined difference between cruisers (dedicated warships) and carriers (dedicated fighter carrier). On the other hand there are other governments that prefer to have a hybrid vessel that combines both aspects of a cruiser and a carrier. Such hybrid cruisers carry less fighters than a dedicated fleet carrier but has the same firepower as a cruiser. They are also larger in mass tons.

I'm writing from a stand point of someone that never flies fighters. I was considering the fighter numbers as how we as opponents would consider their threat. Hybrid cruisers carry a number of single type fighters. Fleet carriers carry a few different types from interceptors, heavy fighters and even sometimes bombers.

But also from a technical viewpoint. How much is too much where it causes trouble for the game engine.



Originally posted by Wyvern:
**I don't slow down, the AI does. I can just drift past a group of fighters, and they don't get around to realizing I'm in range until I'm gone. That, in my opinion, is just as bad as the game slowing down entirely.


oh, well, ok then! 🙂

(url="http://"http://www.grybs.com/harzius")Harzius Productions(/url)
(url="http://"http://www.IcedEarth.com")Iced Earth(/url)


Originally posted by Wyvern:
**Ahh, but since when has realism been part of EV? What's important is gameplay, and even on the best computer that goes way down when the system is filled with ships. Better to have a few good fighters (or even other cap. ships), than to have a horde that slows down the game.
Another solution is to treat a group of fighters as a single ship, which also happens to be more realistic (if you want realism) as well. Of course, that might get awkward if you let the player pilot such a squadron, but there's an easy fix for that...


trust me, realism will fit his plug... im building the webpage for it (slowly...) and get to see the bits of info, etc. for the page. unrealistic stuff will look... odd 😉

(url="http://"http://www.grybs.com/harzius")Harzius Productions(/url)
(url="http://"http://www.IcedEarth.com")Iced Earth(/url)

So use fighter squadrons, rather than individual fighters. Then you can have (depending on squadron size) as many as 30-40 fighters without running into even minor engine problems.

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Originally posted by Wyvern:
**So use fighter squadrons, rather than individual fighters. Then you can have (depending on squadron size) as many as 30-40 fighters without running into even minor engine problems.


but it would look rather stupid 😉

(url="http://"http://www.grybs.com/harzius")Harzius Productions(/url)
(url="http://"http://www.IcedEarth.com")Iced Earth(/url)


Originally posted by Wyvern:
**So use fighter squadrons, rather than individual fighters. Then you can have (depending on squadron size) as many as 30-40 fighters without running into even minor engine problems.


and anyway, his mega super carrier was only gonna have 12-16 ships... i guess i'll talk to him about it, and figure out the best # according to how its used.

(url="http://"http://www.grybs.com/harzius")Harzius Productions(/url)
(url="http://"http://www.IcedEarth.com")Iced Earth(/url)

If real battleships were to exist, they would carry most likely 50+ fighters. Modern carriers have something around 20- fighters, but spacegoing vessels would be much larger and would be able to carry gazooblz of fighters. Perhaps even reaching into the hundreds, I know this better (probably) than anyone here because I'm doing something quite massive

that involves this thinking

Well, the ships in my plug carry from 6 to 96 fighters. I don't plan for the player to ro running around in a fighter against a capital warship.

"Mr. Lennier, take us into the fire"

-Cpt. John Sheridan, Battle of Coriana 6