
i'm using EV-Edit 3.3.2 and trying to alter ships like the crescent fighter. every time i save my altered fighter then go back to it it come up blank all the work i did is gone. what am i doing wrong? any help would be appreciated. thanks.

Pardon me while I burst into flames.
I've had enough of the world and it's people's mindless games.
So pardon me while I burn and rise above the flame.
Pardon me, pardon me....I'll never be the same. - INCUBUS

i and everybody in this board (i think) recommend you not using EV-Edit as it's too much bugged, you better lose(or win) a bit of time reading the EV Bible and using resedit.

Captain Orne

Ev-Edit seems to have more bugs than Windows 98, the only difference is they're not features. Don't use it for ships, etc... it looses all the ID's. Pop up a ResEdit, and code away!

this may sound like a stupid question but what is res-edit? no docs came with it so i have no idea how it works or how to get started.

Pardon me while I burst into flames.
I've had enough of the world and it's people's mindless games.
So pardon me while I burn and rise above the flame.
Pardon me, pardon me....I'll never be the same. - INCUBUS

ResEdit is Apple's official resource editor, an essential development tool for both regular programmers and EV/O/N developers.

To get started, simply take any plugin and drop it onto ResEdit - it should open up and you should be able to edit it if you also have the templates open at the same time. If you don't have the templates, have fun editing raw hexadecimal code.

I reccomend consulting the EV/O Developer's FAQs for more info.

"He's probably the least qualified person ever to be nominated by a major party... What is his accomplishment? That he's no longer an obnoxious drunk?"
- Ron Reagan, son of the former president, on George W. Bush; a (url="http://"http://www.votenader.com")Ralph Nader(/url) supporter.

AIM: ColdFusion117

You can try Resourcere with the annotated templatees either, it would be easier than ResEdit.

(url="http://"http://CelticStarbase.tsx.org")http://CelticStarbase.tsx.org(/url) (url="http://"mailto:webmaster@CelticStarbase.com")mailto:webmaster@CelticStarbase.com(/url)webmaster@CelticStarbase.com


Originally posted by CelticStarbase:
**You can try Resourcere with the annotated templatees either, it would be easier than ResEdit.


i would if you payed for it 🙂


thanks for the help coldfusion

Pardon me while I burst into flames.
I've had enough of the world and it's people's mindless games.
So pardon me while I burn and rise above the flame.
Pardon me, pardon me....I'll never be the same. - INCUBUS