A Plug-in idea

Can any of you plugin desiners make a plug that could let the computer ships disable and
board you but that they can't capture you or make you do escort work and a option to
turn it on or off.

Uhhh... no. Those sort of features just aren't built into the EV:O engine, and there's no way to simulate it using other things. But we can always hope for such things in EVN. 😉

<font color="gold">Bronze: the other gold metal.</font>

yeah we hope indeed

Mag Steelglass i like him ok slug?
Play me tonight:

do it yourself
haven't you even played EVO before????
that isn't one of the features

"Veni, Vidi, Vici"
"I came, I saw, I conqeured."
Julius Caeser


Originally posted by zhouj:
**do it yourself
haven't you even played EVO before????
that isn't one of the features


look at him. he's only a newbie. he only has 8 posts(for now). and not all the features are used in the standard EVO. so he wouldn't know if it were possible or not. just leave him alone.


Trust me. I know a thing or two about trying to stretch the EVO engines limits.

But, as with most open ended programs(EV/O, AlphaCentauri, SimCity, StarCraft, Quake, Korea, etc.), the programmers give you these things out of the kindness of their hearts(and to improve replay value). And seeing what Ambrosia has given us plug designers already, asking for more just seems greedy.

I'd suggest that you try(as many here would tell you) to focus on the story/missions. You can affect alot through missions, 'cus they're your own words and you control what happens and doesn't, in a sense. I know it's not the same, but it'll have to do.

Tschüs 🙂

"Sorry, a system error
bus error
, MyMac

Q-Czar - A member of RA. Ramblers Anonymous

that damn topic starter brings shame to the real nerds out there!

Ban him!

I bought a Venus Fly Trap today. I was going to name it 'Republican', but the fly trap is beneficial to the enviroment. I'll save that name - someday I might find a plant that eats poor people and minorities.

Do not throw snowballs at me. Do not throw them from a tree. Do not throw then at my knee.

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Originally posted by J.Ace21:
**look at him. he's only a newbie. he only has 8 posts(for now). and not all the features are used in the standard EVO. so he wouldn't know if it were possible or not. just leave him alone.

A quick defense against the board:

I only have, what, 100-200 posts. Yet, I've been around (at least on this board, and likely before on the others) longer than you. Take OF....1800something posts. Do you consider OF any more knowledgeable, mature, non-newbie-ish than me, or you?

How about oldies who left for a while at the switch and are just coming back? PhoenixBP comes to mind.

I'm not saying this guy's post wasn't sort of a "think before thee type" question. I'm just defending against the false interpretations of this board's statistics.

Being disabled, in my opinion, would be more realistic, but also very boring and fairly annoyoing.



Originally posted by Talos:
**Uhhh... no. Those sort of features just aren't built into the EV:O engine, and there's no way to simulate it using other things. But we can always hope for such things in EVN.;)

I seem to recall pipeline saying something along the lines of:


I wonder if those pirates are going to disable the pilot, now, instead of just killing him.

Not an actual quote, but something similar was said.

A scholar's ink lasts much longer than a martyr's blood. - Irish proverb.