Arena Plus Light ALMOST DONE!

Yes, Arena Plus Light is ALMOST DONE! It contains:

1 read-me
1 EV Data file
1 plug-in

The EV Data file has been modified, it is MUCH MORE friendly for developers.

Yes, I know Arena Plus Light is a stupid name! 😄 Any ideas?

Arena Plus is an 'upgrade' to Arena. Hope you guys will like it! Once 6 beta testers say 'yes!' then it will be released! Right now, only one beta tester has said yes.

Max B-H

"I've taken the disperser out of the loop and run the cables through the initiator power intake on the engine power system. The feedback energy is just accumulating in the repulsor system. When the power level is high enough, I'll reset the feedback power breaker and dump the energy right into the initiator intake on the engine power systems."
"Jump-start it," Han said. "I'm going to jumpstart it."