Calling any programmers...

Hmm, sounds interesting. I have been thinking about creating a game like EVO, but I never got around to it. I have also been fooling around with the EVO CODE (in assembler, ugh), and have been able to change things like fonts and basic game constants (like player money, which is actually stored in the data fork). However, I have not been able to get it to run in 24bit color. Any ideas? (I am not sure what trap calls are used for the depth switching ).

At any rate, I would be happy to help you on this project. I am very good at C and fairly good at C++. I also know Pascal, which is fairly useless but was all we had in our comp. lab when I was taking Infotech :). So I could help with the programming. I have a little experience in networking but not very much, so thats probably not too helpful. Oh yeah, I also do a bumch o' 3D graphics whenever the feeling strikes me; to see examples of my work, go to (url="http://"")http://1ucifer.cjb.n...lery/index.html(/url) So whatever, I'm just offering my help if you want me. You can email me at


Kberg, I tested the build on a beige G3 under OS9; it crashed almost immediately. Could anyone that had it work say what somputer they ran it on?

Analysis, Mr. Spock?

AIM: obormot345

It works for a little bit under MacOS 8.6 on a 7100/80. However, I have Macsbug installed, which is well known to be a fairly handy addition to stability.

Speaking of which, would you like a STDlog, kburg?


Small animal kamikaze attack on power supplies

Could I have an order of Discboard with that?

K, now I'm going to have to get a bit more organised 😉 To Blackhole, I should be sending off the source sometime soon. If you're well versed in Spriteworld, you'll probably be a big help. To the rest of you, I'd like to keep this somewhat controlled in order to avoid having wierd builds floating around everywhere. if you could send a bit of info on yourself and I'll respond to you asap...

Thanks for all the interest. 🙂


What do you need most right now. Someone to do graphics, networking, programming,...etc.
And could you tell me what kind of person(ex. Programming. Someone who knows C++).


Adding weapons support right now...

I've got 4 different AI types done right now, I'm wondering if anyone wants any others. Also, can anyone explain exactly what is meant by flak weapons, and how they function?

  1. Active stop, the weapon will actively bring itself to a standstill.

  2. Drift, drifts in the direction the weapon was let go at.

  3. Rocket, will accelerate to it's top speed in the direction shot at.

  4. Smart, will follow it's target at top speed.

All of the weapons start at ships speed + a speed offset value (can be positive or negative)

Turrets and angles will be covered at a different time, what I'm dealing with now is strictly how the weapon will perform after it is shot.



Originally posted by kberg:
Also, can anyone explain exactly what is meant by flak weapons, and how they function?

If you're talking about the kind in 1.0.2, it just means that even if the weapon deosn't hit anything, it'll explod after its weapon life is up. For instance you could make a time bomb with a "trip wire": make a weapon with a fairly large blast radius and then the weapon life however long you want the "timer" to last and it should probably be a freefall weapon. Then just go near an active area, drop it, fly away, and watch it go boom. 🙂 Or you could make a shockwave weapon: make a weapon with a really big blast radius, high impact, and the shortest weapon life possible. It wouldn't really need a graphic since it would last but a 30th of a second (or something like that.) When you fire it, any ships in a 360° circle around you get blown away as well as damaging them some. That would be really cool in a fighter, you could go fly around shooting things, and when to many ships got to close you just blast them back. It'd also be useful in big heavy ships; when lots of fighters are swarming you, just knock 'em around some. 🙂


"Scorpion petting zoo-
Innovative concepts in exposing city kids to nature."
-Gary Larson

(url="http://"")The Onion, America's finest news source(/url)

Did somebody mention earlier that you need some fool who enjoys doing linear algebra?
I might not actually enjoy it (that'd just be too weird :)) but if it gets EVOMP done I'm willing. I've just finished an A-level maths course and still have a head full of vectors, so I'll give it a shot.

If you're interested, please email me or post back on here.

Oh, and I suppose I must be a fool, if anyone's wondering.


"Only two things are infinite -- the universe and
human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the universe."
Albert Einstein


Originally posted by kberg:
**...and some poor fool who actually enjoys linear algebra (the graphics guy..:D )...

If it's going to be based on EVO, you'll use the same ships; right? If so, I'd be more than happy to supply graphics... EVO MAGMA is almost done, you can just use the graphics from that. 😄


EVO MAGMA?? What's that???
You'll all find out May 2nd...

Graphics. Games. And more...
(url="http://"")Meowx Design Studios(/url)

Hmmm... unless you mean you want polygonal graphics instead of sprites (that is, Unreal or Decent graphics instead of EV or Marathon graphics)... can't help you there.


Graphics. Games. And more...
(url="http://"")Meowx Design Studios(/url)

I'm not really up to implementing a whole flat shader... There's enough other stuff to do right now, so I'm going to stick with plain old sprite based animation. As for the vector stuff, I've pretty much got it all sorted out now.

A couple quick ideas, inverse square(of the distance) damage caused by weapons blasts/ship explosions...
A flag in each ship type which determines whether the ship uses fuel or energy.
The ability to specify a (particle)density for each system. This density would determine how fast you would decelerate down to your top speed (after using your afterburner).

Allow two types of fuel/energy gathering... One is time based (operates the same as in EV/EVO) like a generator, and the other is a function of the particle density * current speed (the faster you're going in a denser area of space, the faster you gather fuel) like a ramscoop.

Thoughts/ideas? Also, anyone thought of other useful weapon AI's yet?


How about a weapon that seeks you out and attaches itself to your hull once it finds you? Then the person who fired the weapon could detonate it whenever he wanted. Or that the weapon 'burrows' into your hull and detonates automatically? Or for the fun of it, have a weapon that you can navigate? Even change the target in midflight if you wanted? Or, better yet, make it so that missels could demolish other missles.

What if you could hide behind planets? And better yet, make the planets much larger (anywhere from 500 to 200 pixels). I think this would allow for a more realistic setting, and for better combat situations.

How about actually bumbing into other players with your ship? A ramming procedure.


Axis Software-

They do that in Ares, but I don't realy like it.

Hey, just so you guys know, I'm the Bryce nut in this group, so if you want landscapes and such, call me. I could also be the text guy, you know. Just typing stuff that would need typing. Not as in manuals, but other stuff. Intros, credits, etc., if those are to be used in the little thing your beginning to cook. I can also make some great storylines if given a base scenario.

My services are open, or at least when I'm not eating spam or something, oh nevermind...

The Rain in Spain Falls Mainly on the Spaniards

How about a "TAG" type thing? (Any B-tech'ers here?)

You shoot the 'Tag' weapon, typically used by a fastass Mech, it 'tags' the target, then you launch a high powered missle (or a differant mech does), and it hits the 'tagged' target.

Perhaps just tagging things would make missiles hit them more..

Like, if you tag an astriod, it'd be hit by misslies because it would drag them near it.

If you tag an enemy ship, or a neutral ship, and then get missiles fired at you, it would start to fight against your enemys.


Life is but a dream. Pass the coffee, please.
Could I have an order of Discboard with that?


Originally posted by kberg:
**Yup, I totally agree with you. In fact I should provide some links here for you guys. Small player hosted games are basically the native format for Net Sprocket clients. My first stage of network play will almost certainly consist of a small 2 player version that I can use to debug (right now I'm debugging my draw sprocket code). After I work this out, then I'll start programming a server app which I'll hopefully be able to hack into some sort of nice functioning massively multiplayer game. <IMG SRC="">

Also, I just ran across some code that contains fast algorithms and blitters for tri-layered sprites. This definately warrents some investigation. The code runs quite fast (~30 fps on my 120mhz 603e) and looks REALLY cool.

Oh, you guys as plug developers... How would you like it if the game read in "compiled" plug-ins... That is, when you destribute your plug-in it's a binary file that people wouldn't be able to rip to pieces in order to see what's inside. This would allow those that want too, to keep their plug-in strategies secret, and if you want to release everything to the public then
you could just distribute the uncompiled sources to your plug with it... The reason I ask is, it's actually faster and smaller to store then dta in binary rather then in ascii form, and if it's not in Resource forks your plug will seem like random hex to someone who tries to edit it... This would discourage cheeting, and allow plug developers some protection for their intellectual properties... The downside is that it will be pretty hard for people to release plugs that "Patch" existing objects. Just something to chew on I guess...


I think EV would be much better if it had a cockpit view like X-Wing or TIE Fighter. The battles are just too easy and unrealistic. If you were going to use the arena idea, i don't think a top view would be very good.

You're going about it all wrong!
(wicked smile crosses my face)

I have an idea about it, but I'm not sharing!

Please excuse my tone of typing. Stressful day. Hell I should be doing homework.

Good luck.

Could Somebody Dim The Sun? It's Too Bright


